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Second Weekend

Not very exciting. We are still in "limbo" mode and luckily two weeks left before we move and hopefully settle down.

Picked Zelma up from Changi Internationl Airport saturday morning at 07h00. Very early based on our new daily schedule. Here is some interesting things about Changi. It has 3 very large terminals, the worlds tallest indoor slide (12 meters), rooftop swimming pool and jacuzzi, butterfly garden, 2 movie theaters Spa etc, all to entertain in transit passengers. Oh, and lots shopping and eating places.

Visited Tiger and Diesel (The Doggies) in the afternoon. They seem to be doing quite well but we do miss having them with us very much. Three weeks to go.

Investigated the ticket prices for the upcoming Singapore Grand Prix in September and sadly I will not be able to afford it this year. Cheapest seating tickets are $298 per person with the best tickets going for a "steal" at $1298 per ticket. It is a 3 day festival with 300 entertainers, 103 performances and 10 hours of racing, but still. A little bit rich for us right now. Definitely next year.

PS. Performers include Shakira, Linkin Park, Boy George, Rick Ashley and Shaggy to name but a few.

Did the "Arty" thing on Sunday at went to the Terracotta Warriors Festival at the Asia Art Museum. Very interesting. Shit !!!!!!!!!!!! there goes the fire alarm. See you later people.

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