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Fact File continued (3)

Here are some more interesting and weird facts:

There is a Singapore in South Africa. Go to and type singapore south africa and search. It is in Limpopo. Never knew that.

Robots always work.

There are no car guards, no street vendors at robots and no beggars. Against the  law. What a pity? Really miss them.

All cars have "Card Readers" installed. Tollgates and parking charges automatically are deducted on the fly. You can top up at 7 Elevens, online and a host of other places. Fine if your card is empty.

Men do 2 years National Defense Service. You must be at least 16 years 6 months old thou.

U-turns are legal and sign posted. Special little in between lanes for U-Turns. Only at posted robots and lanes thou.

Cigarettes cost the same per packet for single or cartons. No Discount if you buy bulk. Very Limited brands.

Tollgates only operate between certain times. Lights will be on with the relevant charge displayed when operational.

There are "funny" 45 degree flat escalators. Slow you down compared to normal ones but nice for trolleys. They go in slow motion mode when not used to save energy.

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