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The Great Singapore BBQ

In the land of Soup and Noodles there is BBQ meat. Finally, the much anticipated complex BBQ evening arrived Friday night. Could not wait for 19h00 and promptly proceeded to the 6th floor pool deck. We arrived with a nice party atmosphere, greeted by the apartment complex manager, Alan and got handed some very nice Sangria's. The whole complex, kids and all was in attendance. Had a chat to Alan and the Chef (forgot his name) and strolled over to check out the food.

And there it was. The main food table with proper Lamb from the Spit, slices being carved from the bone, slightly pink in the middle and tender. The rest of the table consisted of sliced baked potato, gravy (looks like ouma made it) and cooked green beans. Nice. There was another table with some spring rolls, wasabi prawn salad, "Vegetable" potato salad (what the hell) and sliced cheesecake. So we did what every "starved" boerjie would do. Had ourselves 2 helpings each of lamb and potatoes with gravy. Zelma had slice of the cheesecake and then the chef hauled out BBQ racks of lamb, so we had another helping each for good measure and loads of Sangria along the way. Awesome !!!!!!!!!

Must also mention the Friday breakfast goodie, Beef Bacon. Looks like normal bacon but taste like biltong and actually very nice. We did the shopping for the living in limbo Saturday and I managed to drive too and find 3 different malls without the assistance of my trustworthy GPS auntie. Nice one.

Visited the dogs in the afternoon but no photos allowed so we will have to wait. Can not visit next Saturday as it is voting day here and the facility is closed. Rest of the weekend reserved for washing and ironing, so sadly no visit to the East Coast. Must still have that Chilli Crab.

How do you know you are new in the country in a parking garage. Simple. Singaporeans all reverse park. Weird, but apparently allow for quicker exit when you get in your car. I must also come out of the closet and admit I have been watching Martha Steward every morning In my defense they do have a lot of cooking on the program.

Another nice program I have been watching is The Doctors TV. Check out the website. Interesting with lots of medical breakthrough's and advice.

I have mentioned the Singapore Food Courts before, but so far we have only had on meal there. Not that there is lack of choice, but to tell the truth it is scary when you do not know what to order. Bought a book on Friday called "There's No Carrots in Carrot Cake" , 101 Hawkers Dishes Singaporeans Love to help us conquer the Food Courts. I will do a separate article on this which can help other newbie expats and my other readers will hopefully find interesting.

PS. There is really no carrots in Singapore Carrot Cake. It's not what you know so let me include this as a teaser.

It is not the sweet western desert. Instead this savoury dish is made from steaming white radish and rice flour until a coagulated (Big word) shape is achieved. The cake is then broken into chunks and stir-fried till slightly charred. Egg, Soya Sauce, White pepper and Chilli sauce is added with spring onions serving as a garnish. It can be eaten as breakfast, as a snack or part of a dim sum spread and is very popular for sharing with friends.

I wish you all a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with “The Doctors” TV show. We in fact have it on one of our South African DSTV channels and have watched it with the wife a few times. Very informative...Regards, Gato
