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Fact File

I wll share new facts on living here under the Fact File posting. The first big adjustment is the typical workday, very diffirent from back home. Corporate world start work at 09h00 until 18h00. This is quite a change as we now only get up at 07h00, breakfast at 08h00 and the Zelma off to work at 08h30. All of a sudden lots of spare time in the morning from the original get up at 05h00.

Shopping Centres do not open before 10h00 - 11h00. No more early Saturday excursions. Takes some adjusting but actually very nice. Obviously this reduces traffic drastically as the load is spread over time. Quite Clever.

Hungry Ghost Festival.

During the last 2 days I have noticed people doing "funny" stuff all over the place with little worship sites, so I asked Jen what this is all about. The short version. Ghosts and spirits come out from the lower realms and people pay worship in the form of Insense, gifts, burning candles etc. Accoring to Jen swimming during the month is taboo as you will drown and get taken by the ghosts.

No more swimming for me for the month. Just Kidding. Sure they can not reach the pool on the 6 floor at our apartment complex.

Check out the full story at

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