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Fact File continued

This weeks fact file with some weird and funny stuff.

Do ants use elevators? YES. I had them in my sugar bowl the other morning on the 9th floor.

Can ants swim? NO. Put the sugar bowl in a dish with water and the problem is solved.

How many types and flavours of peanut butter. Two (Smooth & Crunchy) WRONG.

Here are the types and flavours I have found in Singapore so far. Smooth, Crunchy, Grape Flavour, Strawberry Flavour, With Chocolate Crunch, With Grape Jelly Stripes, With Strawberry Jelly Stripes, and with Chocolate Stripes.

Chicken Bacon. Huh and Yuk!!!!!. Do not bother. Rather eat old shoe soles.

Hot dog Vienna's is more expensive than prawns. Yes sirrie. In Singapore you better eat prawns.

Extra leave day when a public holiday falls on a Saturday. Yes man. You get a extra days leave if this happens. Wow.

No monthly salary tax deduction. No, this can not be true. Yes. In Singapore you only pay yearly tax.

Houses do not have garages and you can park your car in the street and it will be there tomorrow morning. Strange but true.

No electric fences around properties and houses. Yep it is true.

Electronic boards that tell you where and how many parking bays are available. Yes - Check the photo

Oops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I meant this one

Robots that beep and tell you how many seconds before going red - Check Photo

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