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Casino Freedom

One thing Singapore does not have a shortage of is the fines and rules that govern the society. Sure, I am all for policies that make sense and actually add value to society but when it comes to treating adults like "Children" it becomes a bit ridiculous.

Point in case is the current revision of the Casino Control Act to "mitigate" the risks posed by casinos. As stated before in my posting Horse Racing Thrills all Singaporean Citizens and Permanent Resident must pay a $100 entry fee at the two casinos and foreigners are exempt. The latest recommendation is to include a "visit limit" in the Act to better protect vulnerable locals. Really!

This can not be the answer as these "vulnerable" individuals is certainly not the majority of the population and they will merely find other avenues to gamble. Back in the day when gambling was against the law in South Africa you just popped across the borders to countries where it was legal. Problem solved or was it? The more stricter the rules the more the unsavoury underground characters will provide illegal gambling facilities and they really do not have the well being of society at heart.

The casinos are already monitored and with the information at hand you can target the minority that actually is at risk and help them. There are already "ban" lists in place so why make a general rule like visit limits for the rest of society. Horse racing is only $3, Oh but that's not gambling in the true sense. What about online gambling?

The other day someone proudly announced that he officially became a Permanent Resident and made the following comment.

"The only bad thing is that I will have to pay if I want to go and gamble"

In the past 11 months since arriving here I visited the Marina Bay Sands casino once to check out it's grandeur. Totally awesome and majestic but I would not have paid the $100 entrance fee if I was a local.

Okay, I did gamble $100 just to try my luck.

1 comment:

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