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The end of the World on 21 December 2012?

I have never been a follower of the great prophets of the world but one thing is for sure, there are just too many coincidences across multiple cultures to not result in any meaning or reality. This is the year of the supposedly Galactic Alignment that happens only every 26000 years. Surely that can not be a good thing, not that anybody knows what actually will happen. There is plenty of speculation and video material on this subject you can watch on your own. So, instead of writing about the different prophets and their predictions let me share some of the realities instead.

I  am not scared of death. In fact, I am more scared of what the world has become and my remaining years on this earth. The rich has become richer, the poor become poorer and the so called middle class has all but disappeared. It has become a world of wars, famine, death and suffering. I have seen it change for the worse in my lifetime and I do not like it.

The Mayan calender ends, and so the Chinese I Ching, Nostradamus predicted this, The Free Masons carved the warnings in the great Cathedrals, the Egyptians recorded it in the Pyramids and the Hopi Indians carved it in the rocks of the Arizona Desert. All of them include predictions of pretty much the same things. Economical and Political upheaval, increase in the frequency of natural disasters, depleted natural resources, and great financial turmoil. Now there are some serious warning bells backed up by facts.

I have done a posting before on the changing world weather and even since then there has been serious world tragedies. Just take a look at January 2012 and what has happened so far. There has already been floods, extreme cold weather, earth quakes, political turmoil, financial meltdown and the year has just began.

Since 1998 every summer has been hotter than the previous year, there has been two major Tsunamis, countless earth quakes, volcano eruptions, not to mention floods, drought and other strange weather conditions world wide never experienced before with the same frequency.

Supposedly there will be 3 eclipses in 2012 which in itself is a phenomenon none of us has experienced. I like to take the "The Glass is Half Full" view and look on the optimistic side. Maybe the date in question spell out a crucial time where humanity has to head the warnings and decide on our own destiny. The choice is ours to determine our future and one thing is sure, we can not continue on the path we have followed. It's a time to take action and create a new world balance.

We can not continue our depletion of the world resources, allow nature to become extinct at the current alarming rate and continue to act like we do not have any influence over what will happen in the future. We have to own up or the world is going to hell no matter what the Prophets predicted.

Have great weekend and do something good.

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