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Eviltwin's "Final" Day on Earth

So here we are. After watching countless Doomsday, Countdown to Apocalypse and other related TV Documentaries, I still do not have the answer. One thing is for sure. I will make sure my last day is a good one and go out with a bang.

Some strange rumbling noises woke me up round 02h00 this morning and after doing some investigation outside I could for the life of me not sleep again and certainly not what you want to wake up to on an ominous day like today. Made some coffee and spend the next few hours watching my favorite programs that I have taped on my decoder. The dogs “Woke” the wife round five, so I took this opportunity to get some snuggle time and make sure I have all the boxes checked for this day.

Toasted Ciabata for breakfast as I have a serious final lunch planned. Took a nice long shower and drove to work without incident. The traffic was very reasonable as lots of people already on leave and the weather looking very “Promising” considering what we are to face. Killed some time to get to my 12 o Clock lunch appointment at Harry’s with the wife just down the drag from the office. The two of us finished a Bar Platter for 4 (Buffalo Chicken Wings, Mini Spring rolls, Samosas, Mini Deep Fried Fish, Beef & Chicken Satay Sticks and some fries) and I had my final Tiger Beer for good measure.

Have to kill a few boring hours until 17h00 then into the final stretch. Have a nice supper accompanied by some good wine, play with the dogs, play Angry Birds one last time and beat my “Annoying” sister, read my Facebook postings and do one last posting to my friends. Off to bed and hopefully some snuggles and off to Dreamland. No, I am not taking the easy way out but figure it’s not worth waiting up for this “Fireworks” Show, whatever it will be.

There is a glimmer of hope that all the hype will not turn out to be reality and I can continue to share stories with you all on the Blog. As one colleague put it this week on the smoking deck, “I have yoghurt in my fridge that expires in March 2013” hence 21/12/2012 cannot be the end of the world.

I have a few of those as well so let’s hope. Just in case we do not make this one. Thanks for your loyal support and it was a pleasure being at your service.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Singapore Vertical Marathon 2012

I always believed I am in the know about what goes on in the world only to realise the past 15 months that there is so much I do not know about. This coming Sunday will be the 25th time the Swissotel Vertical Marathon will be run in Singapore. What vertical marathon? Turns out there is a Vertical Marathon world circuit with nine participating countries.

The Singapore race will be run in the Swissotel Stamford hotel clocking in at 226 meters with 73 floors and 1336 steps. I have walked down some 12 floors for a fire drill, my wife and her team did the same down 28 floors taking some 20 minutes and that was seriously exhausting. Running up in a non air conditioned staircase and doing it in 7 minutes or so must be extremely challenging. It's also for a good cause, raising money for selected charities. Wonder where the spectators will be?

One thing is sure. I have not seen a marathon finish line view like this before.

Learn something new everyday.

Here is the link if you want to read up some more about the world wide event or be crazy enough to actually take part.

Swissotel Vertical Marathon

Singapore's "Pursuit of Happiness"

Nobody can dispute that since Singapore’s independence in 1965 the country has progressed in leaps and bounds to become the modern metropolis it is today. The country established itself in Asia and the rest of the world occupying top ten positions in many business and tourism surveys. With a multi culture society living in harmony, it is a safe, clean and extremely efficient country with excellent and above average housing and transport infrastructure.

Does this mean it has no problems?
On the contrary, based on my experience since moving here 15 months ago the country has its fair share of normal problems with drugs, gambling, isolated corruption and race issues. The bigger and more serious issue is where the country will be in 20 years and it seems like right now nobody really has the answer. There is ongoing engagement with the population in many different forums to ascertain what the Government should or should not include in the future Road Map. Should the future measurement of success continue to be the country’s GDP which is a global standard and has brought it to where we are today but does not mean it will be as successful in future.

Some of the current and pressing issues that face the Government and will impact it greatly in future are the Declining Population, Policy towards the Foreign Workforce/Population,   and the “Nations Happiness”. Personally, I do not believe the proposed measures to try and increase the population growth will have any real effect. The new generation has a totally different set of values and ambitions which does not include having either “Early” families or extended (more than one child) families. They are too busy chasing the world of success and all the worldly trappings that come with that and this will not change in the next 20 years. So, with a continued declining local workforce the issue of reducing foreign “Help” will not be a reality and the next 20 years will see the ratio of foreigners in the population increase. Better take note and start having a different view on this one.
So what about the Happiness Factor? I watched the Bridging Asia Debate the past week on this topic and the motion to include the measurement received a resounding 70% and I definitely agree. I always include my views only if I can base them on actual experience and in this case have some 50 years of learning on what is really important in life. I chased the same “Dream” for most of my time on this earth only to realise a few months ago that maybe I should have had more “Balance”.  Less of the worldly “get the better job, bigger house, more expensive car” type “shit” and a lot more focus on spending time with my friends and family and doing the things that actually make me happy.

And no, I am not saying do not be ambitious, contribute to economy and society in general but I am saying have a better balance and this is where the Singapore future and political direction should have some focus apart from the economic growth and GDP.

Maybe if the people have a better work/life balance there will be more time for making love, having families and a happy interactive and cohesive society in general.

Actually it is a fact and happy people are naturally more productive so it is a win for all.

“All Work and no Play made Johnny a dull Boy”



The Office Fire Drill

I have been involved in Fire Drills before, but the Singapore version certainly proved quite different. Firstly, my office is on the 28th floor and by far the highest spot I have been resident in on a daily basis and secondly we had more than a weeks warning that the drill was actually going to take place and exactly what time. Really, this was never going to simulate a real situation based on my experience of human nature.

We arrived this morning and the normal parking garage entrance was closed with a trip around the block to enter via another entrance followed. The area around the offices were cordoned off by 08h00 and I made the fatal mistake to visit the loo only to find my entire team had disappeared to go and work from home. Nice one. Then the rest of the floor emptied half and hour before the drill was due to start. Nobody wants to walk down 28 floors of stairs but here is the thing, What the hell is the point then.

I did the only "reasonable" thing and took the lift down and went for a stroll in the shopping complex only to find every coffee shop and open restaurant packed to the hilt with the rest of the crowd I work with and the rest of the building occupant's for that matter. I am convinced the owners of the food establishments around our building was in on this one as the must have made an absolute "Killing" this morning.

After my casual stroll a fellow "stroller" from my floor pointed out that we must at least report at the gathering point and get our names recorded by the fire Marshall, so we headed that way. While standing around waiting for the fire Marshall one serious "Bomb" explosion (Shit, I nearly wet myself) went off and right in front of us a Double Decker bus had been blown up and was now in flames with thick black smoke towering above the scene. Part of the drill, people, as I discovered. Thumbs up for the touch of reality to the fire department and some excitement for the morning.

More shopping followed as we could not get back in the building. Absolutely fruitless exercise if you ask me. Well, there were actually people who did do the drill properly and hopefully they will help the rest of us sorry bastards when a real fire break out without those nice warnings.

Maybe we all need a reality check. Remember the people who rather jumped from the Twin Towers than burn to death? I do, so next time lets take a fire drill serious and not turn it into a shopping expedition. I guess it's human nature to always believe it can not happen to you and still it does as I know very well but that is a story for another day.

Mo Bros in Singapore

Every November , men across the globe grow a moustache to raise vital funds and awareness for men's health issues. The movement started in 2003 in Australia and word has spread across the globe resulting in Movember campaigns in worldwide.


This year Singapore and Hong Kong will join the campaigns and registration can be done on the official website. They also have a very informative Movemeber TV online channel and you can follow on Twitter.

Comes on boys. Lets support them and do our bit for men's health awareness.

I will be growing my own Mo.

Braaivleis with Fellow South Africans

Got an opportunity to finally visit  Labrador Park yesterday and join the South Africans from the (SAISG) group for the quarterly Braai (BBQ) in the park. The weather looked ominous and we had some rain on the way there but the rain held of and the overcast skies was actually perfect for such an event.

We were welcomed by Mark (Chairman) and quickly joined by Trevor and his family. Settled down with the appropriate beer in hand and got to meet some awesome South Africans who share Singapore as home for now. As per the norm the women had their little groups while us men did some serious catch up on the rugby, golf and all other sport related matters.

 Gert and the "Boys" were in charge of the braaivleis and that familiar smell of lekker boerewors on the braai made us all forget we were in a foreign country. The whole atmosphere was like a group of old friends getting together for a braai next to the sea. If you are not South African you must understand that the guys in charge of the meat is the most important "job" at any braai and comes with high expectations and responsibility.

There is no getting it wrong and typically the "Tong Master" and his helpers will be seasoned braaiers. There is a hierarchy and etiquette is very important. If you have never been to a South African braai here is a short video to "educate you on the basics. Enjoy and a job well done Gert and the "Boys', excellent boerewors and I had more than my share.

Time to serve up and tuck in. Boerwors rolls (with tomato sauce and mustard), potato salad, mixed green salad (rabbit food) and chips off course with some marshmallows done over the fire for desert, at least for the kids. It was like being home. Yummie.

The kids played and ran around and I watched some of them play on the biggest Jenga set I have ever seen in my life. Hell, when the blocks come tumbling down you better not be in the way or you are bound to take some serious punishment. Definitely not the one you want to play after to many beers.

Then came the lucky draw and the much anticipated Malva poeding competition judging. There were 13 "Judges" who got down to some serious tasting and scoring and the winner Woon Peng Ziady (Singaporean). That can not be right and she apparently also won the previous Melk Tert competition.  Well done Woon and all the other participants. The poeding was lekker.

Met some great people and had a fun and nostalgic afternoon. Looking forward to the Christmas function in December. Thanks to all who made it a great afternoon.

The Singapore "Blow Job Queen"

It's not like it is a secret so I will venture outside my normal "Prim and Proper" Blog mode and give my views on the matter of Ms Sue and her "services" rendered to the accused former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) Chief, NG Boon Gay. (Check the surname) Huh.

I have been following the story in the news with some curiosity. First she testified that she was "forced" on four occasions to to perform oral sex with Mr NG but in subsequent cross examination it  the facts certainly seem very different. The fact that she also had sex previously with Mr Ng does make it sound quite strange that she was "forced". One of her more funny claims is that she often when she types text messages, does so quickly and might send it to the wrong person.

Read the full story here

So, basically Ms Sue you have obviously provided the same services to some other men? Just own up and save youself and Mr NG further public embarrassment. You were a naughty girl with a married man.

I am convinced after all the publicity and graphic testimony you are going to be a "Girl in Demand".

I just can not help myself sharing this picture considering the Singaporeans love for queueing.

Have a stunning weekend people.

New Exciting Stuff in Singapore

Yes, I know. I have not been doing regular postings so here we go. Can't believe there is only 12 weeks to Christmas. How time flies and another year for us in Singapore comes to an end. So lets have a look at some of the new attractions and events we can look forward to over the next 3 months.

The Malay Heritage Center re-opened in the beginning of September after a 2 year restoration project and certainly is worth a visit. There are six permanent galleries spread over  two levels showcasing stories and artifacts from both the Singapore National collection as well as contributions from the local community.

Probably the biggest and most exciting one for me is the opening of the Marine Life Park at Sentosa early in December. It is the second anchor attraction in Sentosa and will house the world's largest Oceanarium housing some 100,000 marine animals from some 800 species including 25 dolphins. And then there is the Adventure Cove Water Park, a tropical paradise with an escapade for everyone.

The Pandas arrived and another new addition to the existing Zoo theme parks is the new River Safari Park. It will be Asia's first and only river themed park with it's tropical rain forest setting featuring a rich biodiversity. The park will feature more than 300 plant and 500 animals species and is destined to become a must see nature based destination in Asia. And don't forget, the Giant Panda's will also be there for us to marvel over. I can not wait for this one. Official opening early in December.
Coming up in October and two events I will not miss is the award winning "Hottest Dance Show" ever, direct from Broadway and London's West End, Burn The Floor and off course the outrageous and amasing Red Bull Flugtag Show
 Let's not forget the newly opened Lego Land Theme Park across the sea in Malaysia and the amasing  Gardens by the Bay which we must still go and see. Hell, I have been here 14 months and still have not done the Night Safari , Botanic Gardens and loads of other stuff.
It's gonna be a busy time leading up to Christmas.  

Dear Blog

We passed another milestone this week with the 30,000 page views achievement. How far we have come in the past 13 months. I remember that first little story, The Eviltwin has Landed  I shared with you and the amazement the next day to see that 9 people had read the story. It started as a means to share my journey with a few friends back home and it has exceeded my wildest dreams.

To date, I have shared 195 stories with you and we have explored Singapore, took trips down memory lane and got exposed to the world of social media in the process. We received some accolades and formal recognition, ended up writing articles for other Blog sites and even got invites to fun and exciting events as a result of our story telling.

I could not have been on this journey without you and the friends we made and helped along the way is very rewarding. The occasional inspirational comment when we post a story that is either funny or informative. Sure, there are the days when I have "Writers Block" and find in difficult to share stuff with you but in the end the fact that there are so many people reading our stories inspire me to get out the gutter and come up with something new and exciting.

It has been a steep learning curve and over time we have had to adapt as our reader base has changed. I am often surprised about the popularity of the stories and more than often it turns out something I might thought sharing with you is not that great ends up being read by so many people. There is no correlation between the amount of research I do and how successful the story turns out at all.

The journey is still in it's infancy and we have the world to share. Who knows where it will take us. A big thank you to all your loyal readers for making my life interesting.

Top page views countries from around the world is Singapore, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Russia.

Zack Efron Song

A friend posted the video on Face Book (Thanks Lindy) and it is actually not bad. I certainly only know mister "Pretty Boy" from one or two movies and did not know he starred in the High School Musical movies which I never watched. I am not really into musicals so that is understandable. Any case, it might be 7 months old but still worth sharing. Zac and Taylor Swift performing a duet on the Ellen show.

What is the worst (number 1) movie I ever watched. Mama Mia (2008). I actually gave the DVD away. Man, that was one pathetic movie with a musical performance by "James Bond". Really?

Here is another funny video and one sure way to get your lady angry and not "get any after" that.

The weekend is around the corner people.

"Slobodan Milosevic", Adobo & The A380 Pilot

Was invited to a house warming party at the wife's boss, Slobodan Milosevic, aka Bobi and his wife Doris on Saturday night. No, not the Slobodan who was accused of war crimes although Bobi has the same name. Obviously you can not turn up at a house warming without a gift sand after some deliberation we settled on a orchid. So what is the correct and traditional house warming gifts one should take along and one of the guests did bring?

Traditionally your gift should include three items, Bread (your cupboards will always be full), Salt (life will always have flavour) and Sugar (life will always have sweetness). Other items you could include and have other meaning are wine, honey, broom, coins and candles. Read more here

Doris laid out a starter spread of salted bread sticks, olives, sliced bread and a selection cold meats and Bobi served up some quality wine and we got to know each other. Proceeded to the table to sit down and enjoy the main course, more bread with cooked prawns and Chicken Adobo prepared by the maid. Aobo is the unofficial National dish of the Philippines, it is excellent and you should definitely try it served with rice or crusty bread.

Here is the recipe Pork and Chicken Adobo recipe link

One the the guests, Jason is a A380 pilot for Singapore airlines and I am crazy about flying and aircraft. Hell, it's not everyday you get to share an evening with pilot that flies the newest and biggest aircraft in the world. The funny part of the discussion and much to the "horror" of the rest of the party guests was the, let say A380 pilot "working hours" and Jason did take some stick and "ridicule" over this.

There are always two sets (four pilots) on board and they fly in six and a half hour shifts. They are not  allowed to fly more than 100 hours a month and on the away leg they get two days to rest and when back home three days. They can also take "controlled" 15 minute breaks during their flight shift so we all joked they they certainly are not over worked. Actually I would not have it any other way as a passenger considering they have 500 plus lives in their hands.

Doris finished the evening of with a cheese platter fit for a king and the best chocolate cake I have ever had in my life. No, she did not bake it and you can also have a slice of heaven, if you live in Singapore. The cake is from Awfully Chocolate and they also produce a range of other delicacies.

Great evening and "To Die for Food".

A Person Of Interest

I have been watching the "A Person of Interest" show over the past few weeks and it is excellent. The plot about two men preventing crimes as a result of some super computer certainly makes you think. Over the years I have watched movies that dawn inventions and gadgets that seem far fetched only to know today they are actually now reality.

"The Government has a Secret System, a Machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built IT"

The posting is not about the show (Do watch it if you can), but about my own awareness as a result of watching the show. Going around town I started to "notice" the camera and tracking technology which previously was sort of "out of sight, out of mind" and it is astonishing. There are cameras everywhere.

The bottom line is you are actually being "watched" all the time. They are in the trains, shopping centres, shops, toll fee gantry's, HDB housing blocks, traffic and speed cameras, car parks, attractions etc. You just do not notice them until you look. Sure, every city will be different but in Singapore you are "covered".

The Singapore Police will install high definition CCTV cameras at another 700 housing blocks and multi storey car parks by the end of the year in addition to some 300 locations announced earlier in the year. Mind blowing surveillance if you ask me. These cameras are so sophisticated they can pick up a discarded cigarette butt thrown from a HDB Flat.

As an individual I have access to some of the cameras via the EMAS (Intelligent Incident management System) which is really help full and fascinating. Obviously the cameras are there for our "safety" and protection but the show did make me wonder, What else are the Government and organisations capable of doing with the information?

The wife forgot to put the card in the "In car Unit" and drove thru an ERP Toll Gantry and within a few days the fine was delivered at our house. Just $10 but the point is they know where and who you are.

Here is one you probably did not know. If you are staying at the Marina Bay sands hotel and your car gets parked in their car park it gets a 360 degree scan and digital video upon entry that will give detail to the size of a 10 cent piece in case there are any disputes about possible damage while in their care.

Even the dogs have tracking devices. All taxis have in Car HD video recording systems installed to assist with accident disputes.

Be careful what you do when you are out and about. You are being watched.

PS. I would love to spend a day in one of the control centres and see the world through these eyes.

In The News

A Singapore robotics professor has invented a virtual kissing gadget with motion sensitive lips that will allow couples to enjoy a smooch and remain "Intimate" during long distant relationships. Hmmm. Check out the Kissenger, you never know you might need one.

The Tooth Fairy has upped the ante and according to a survey done by Credit Card brand Visa the latest "price" left by her or parents who discreetly act on her behalf is around $US3 (2.4 euros) up by some 15% from the previous year. Visa also promote a smart phone app that will help parents figure out what that precious fallen tooth is worth. Even the fairies are taking to the social media world.

Make sure you do not short change your children and pay less than the going market rate.

Tooth Fairy App This is actually quite funny.

McDonald's, the world second largest fast food chain will open it's first ever vegetarian only outlet in India next year. No beef to avoid offending Hindus and no pork to cater for Muslim requirements. The McDonald's menu in India is already 50% vegetarian and the top seller is the McAloo Tikki Burger which contains a spicy fried patato patti. Okay then.

Panda mania struck Singapore this morning with the arrival of the two giant pandas, Kai Kai and Jia Jia who is on loan from China for 10 years to mark two decades of strong ties between the two countries. The Panda's will make their home in the new River Safari park which is due to open early next year. Can't wait to go and see them.

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan died this week at the age of 54. He is known for his excellent and oscar nominated performance alongside Tom Hanks in The Green Mile. If you have not seen the movie make every effort to do so. It is still on my top ten list of all time movies.

Just finished watching Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic Convention. Very powerful and compelling and he still commands the repect of all. Hell, I would like to see him as the American President again. Not with standing his personal controvercy he is still considered one of the best ever.

I predict Obama will win his re-election.

The speech is a definite must watch. Catch it on You Tube.

West Coast Swing

AMLive had a segment this morning about this improvised (Not Choreographed) social dancing style and it makes you want to give it a go. Freestyle, sexy moves and very fluent dancing. It's a Partner and "Slotted" dance performed in an imaginary area, eight or nine feet long. Canadian Champs, Myles Munroe and Tessa Cunningham doing the dance to some nice music.

West Coast Swing is the official State Dance of California, one of the rare dances emphasising improvisation. Learn something new everyday. Apparently the dance style is making inroads in Singapore and Asia. Check out the local community website for more information. Great way to kick off the week and get rid of the "Monday 'blues'

Definitely something I could watch and enjoy but my favourite remains the Tango. This band also had another very catchy and famous song. Can you guess it?

Watched a movie on the weekend and the closing song is just so good I had to find it and listen to it a few more times. This lady certainly has a unique and powerful voice. Can you guess the movie the song is played in at the end.

Have a great week.

Clint Eastwood's "Kills" Obama

Strangely, I have always had a keen interest to follow the American Elections and just finished watching the live broadcast of the closing session of the Republican Congress speeches. The "surprise" guest speaker, none other than one of my all time movie heroes and film director, Mr Clint Eastwood.

At 82, he delivered a compelling and yet very humorous speech supposedly having an interview with Mr Barack Obama. The killer moment when he said "Politicians work for us, and when they do not do the job they have to go" with the appropriate "finger throat slashing" gesture. In closing a fan requested his famous punchline to which he responded, I start and you finish. Not bad for a movie star, but then he has been a major before.

Amazing the speed of the Internet as the You tube video was available moment after the speech.

Here it is.

I obviously do not take sides but Mr Romney's speech also impressed and I can not wait to see the responses and the retaliatory speech by Mr Obama next week at the Democratic Convention.

Politicians always amuse me about their promises and the reality after they get elected. Let the games begin.

Who do you think will win the election?

Singapore "Baby" Time Bomb

Singapore like the rest of Asia has a declining population problem which will impact the country dramatically if not addressed in the right way. Actually, the problem is a worldwide phenomenon and at least Singapore is not in the top 25 countries currently trying to deal with this time bomb. Amazing to think that in the 1970's the Singapore Government actively promoted a "Stop at Two" policy regarding family planning and now has to deal with the negative effects thereof.

Personally, I do not believe the past policies has anything to do with the problem. There has been a paradigm shift in the "New Generations" priorities and I do not believe any form of cash incentives will have a drastic impact on the problem.

I have experienced and seen the changes in my lifetime. When we, in the 80's left school you knew what was expected and that's was just the way it was. Men had to get a good job, get a house and marry a wife that would stay home and look after the children. If you were not married with children by the age of 25 there obviously was something wrong with you. There was no such thing as a small family and most people I knew had two or more children.

So what has changed so drastically? It's simple. Women became independent and gained access to education and the corporate world. The world has become much more competitive and the cost of living has escalated putting huge pressure on individuals to perform and chase the "dream".

Back in the day people were branded "Keeping up with the Joneses" and now I fear we have all become exactly that. The world is about material and economic success and the concept of families and certainly having children has become far less important and even a hindrance in achieving success. Woman are independent and certainly do not need a man to provide for them and having children or more than one will negatively impact on their careers.

It's all "work and no play" and people are to tired to actually have sex and make some babies, let alone have the energy to look after the little rascals once they are born and take away our precious independence. Heaven forbid having more than one baby and having to work even harder to make sure we can properly provide financially for the family.

In my humble opinion providing more paternity leave, first choice for couples regarding housing and any other cash incentives will only result in small changes. The value of the family has flown out the window and will remain so unless we change the perception of how we are "measured" in terms of being successful.  If you Google the word "Successful" you will find images of everything but "Family".

Amasing Jurong Bird Park

Finally, after more than a year of delays we got to go and visit the Jurong Bird Park the past weekend. This world famous Bird Zoo is a landscaped park built on the Western slope of Jurong Hill and has an area of 50 acres, housing some 5000 birds of 380 species including 29 threatened species.

We got there early and kicked off with a scrumptious breakfast at the park owned Bongo Burger restaurant. The area leading to the entrance is truly beautiful and lure you into this amazing world. From the moment you enter the sights and sounds give you a genuine feeling of being in an actual jungle. This is a full day trip and certainly a great excursion with family and friends.

I am not going to try and describe how magnificent this place is but rather share some of the weird and wonderful things we saw during our visit. One thing  I was seriously looking forward to and to my disappointment found out had been phased out in April 2012 (Damn) was a ride on the 1.7 kilometre Panorail. There is a four station Tram ride in it's place but certainly not the same as the up in the trees original ride.

First stop for us was a visit to the awesome African Waterfall Aviary, the biggest in the world with the worlds tallest man made waterfall at 30 meters. You honestly do not feel like you are in an aviary and there are some 1500 free flying birds with walkways, bridges and some wonderful lookout points to sit and admire the birds. A little bit of "Home" heaven seeing all the South African Birds and even some I had never seen back home.

We mange to watch one of the shows, Birds N Buddies in the amphitheatre which was great entertainment. One of my highlights certainly was the visit to the Lory Loft, a nine storey high enclosure with 360 degree views and a change to feed and interact with some awesome and naughty birds. One big red parrot kept taking the little feeding bowls from unsuspecting children. Funny.

At my age there are not many things that still amaze but during this visit I was blown away. Strolling down one of the path ways I saw what I thought was a statue of a strange bird. This statue looked very real with the feather's gently blowing in the wind and then to my astonishment it moved. They are in an open enclosure and I was about one meter away when this happened. Without a doubt the most amazing bird thing I have ever seen and my wife had to drag me away. I could watch them forever. The Shoebill from West Africa, that can stand motionless for up to twenty minutes waiting for its pray.

A very strange looking, over sized "Angry Bird" with a weird walk. Awesome. Check out my video of this funny creature.


The park offer many other exciting things to do and see like Kings of the Skies, Birdz of Play for the kids, Bird Discovery Center, World of Darkness and many more. Definitely a great place to visit and revisit.

Here are some of my other favourite pics from the day.

A Top 5 attraction visit in Singapore.

"Lemon Law"

No more "lemons" for Singaporeans from 01 September 2012 when the new changes to the Consumer protection (Fair Trading) Act and the Hire Purchase Act come into effect. "Lemon Laws" refer to consumer protection laws against latent defects in new products and in America State Law offers protection against the purchase of cars that repeatedly fail to comply with quality and standards in the industry.

In Singapore the new laws will protect consumers against all new goods purchases if there is a defect found within the first six months of the purchase date. In such cases it is assumed that it is a latent defect that had been there at the time of delivery. Retailers will have the option to repair or replace the product withing a "reasonable" time and in not doing so consumers can bring the matter to the Small Claims Tribunal.

The amendments are designed to make commercial transactions more transparent. Certainly good news for all consumers and hopefully root out the suspect retailers.

Meeting Harry Potter

No, I did not actually meet the dude but visited the much anticipated Harry Potter Exhibition last Saturday and it is very impressive to say the least. Here's the thing. I have never been a Harry Potter fan and until a few weeks ago had never seen one of the movies or read any of the books for that matter. It's just not my thing I guess but there are millions of die hard fans and one family we met actually came all the way from Indonesia to come and see the exhibition.

In order to get an understanding of the Wizard world, I watched Harry Potter 1 and 2 before going to the exhibition else nothing would really make sense. One thing that amazed me is the degree of imagination the Lady  had to actually write the stories and the amount of details it contained. The exhibition only confirmed this as you get the chance to see the costumes and decor up close and believe me the level of detail is insane.

For obvious reasons photography is not allowed inside the exhibition but the visit turned out to be above my expectations. If you are a serious Harry Potter fan this is not to be missed and you can spend hours looking at the thousands of exhibits and get swept away in the magical world of the wizards.

There are some interactive displays where you can try your hand at Quidditch and Toss a Quaffle to earn some points for your house or pull a Mandrake from its pot and experience that screeching noises the plants make when they are disturbed. And yes, we did do them both although we had to wait our turn for the kids to finish playing. Do they have to do it so many times. Just kidding, we also did a few rounds.

There is an insane curio shop at the end which sell all kinds of memorabilia that will make any fan very happy. My personal favourite, the Harry Potter chess set but a $900 a bit pricey and it is rather large. The wife bought some Harry Potter "Berry Tots". Some of the flavours include rotten egg, dirt, soap, earthworm, vomit, earwax, black pepper and booger. Believe me, they taste authentic and after one or two bytes ended up spitting it out. Why would you want to eat anything that tastes like soap or vomit?

Highly recommended even if you are not a fan. A first in Singapore and Asia and a once in a lifetime chance to get up close with the wonderful world of Harry Potter.

No, I will not be watching anymore Harry Potter movies. Fell asleep while the wife watched Harry Potter 3.

Saving Face

You are in a shop you shouldn't be in, in the first place and then you do the one thing you definitely must not do. Ask the price of some item you really like and the dreaded answer that not only takes your breath away but actually makes you want to faint. And so it was for the second time in a few months that I faced this challenging scenario this past Saturday.

After visiting the Harry Potter Exhibition we were strolling down the Marina Bay Sands pier and the wife said she would like to go and look at the inside of the Louis Vuitton sop and check out their purses as she needs a new one. Sounds innocent enough, right.

We were dressed like your average shopper and as long as we did not do something stupid the visit would be without incident. Browsed downstairs and then curiosity got the better of me and we wandered up the staircase to the upper floor. Awesome stuff all around and I walked over to this fancy glass case in the middle of the floor and lone behold. An exquisite Mahjong set on display.  I have a secret passion for Mahjong, and NO, not the electronic kind you play on a computer.

I am talking the real thing where you can touch the blocks, sit around a table, sipping whiskey and slowly indulge in a game of Mahjong. I once owned a beautiful set which I bought in China Town, San Francisco, but it got lost in the "Circus". That's another story on it's own. I digress.

After admiring this thing of beauty I forgot the rules and called the shop lady (who was dressed to a T) across and asked the one question I should not. How much is it. She smiled, explained each piece is handcrafted and there is only one of these in Singapore. The price, $35,0000. Yep. Who in his right mind would even think of touching one of the pieces much less play an actual game.

So here is my advise and I do have some experience in this department. Stay calm, and there are three things that are important to overcome the situation and "Save Face".  The most important is your facial expression upon hearing the price. Do not go into OMG mode, that is a dead give away.

Secondly, look intelligent and interested with a small smile on your face like you expected it to cost a lot less and pause before you respond. You need that Richard Branson look.

And now for the exit strategy. Look one more time and then say you need to look around some more and will call her when you are ready. Move slowly and without suspicion, casually looking at other items to the nearest exit and get the hell out of there.

Unless you actually have that kind of money off course, then go ahead and buy the beauty and for heavens sake don't play with it. Lock it up in a secure glass case for others to drool on.

COE & "Sin Tax"

The Certificate of Entitlement (COE) in Singapore has been under debate since arriving here. and certainly a new concept for me that you have to buy a COE and then pay for the vehicle which does make ownership pretty expensive.

The COE rationale makes sense in a small country where the amount of vehicles on the road needs to be controlled or limited but the scheme itself does not. Currently COE prices is the highest it has been for the past 10 years and actually has an impact far greater than just control with the result that cars have become unaffordable for the average citizen.

So here is my argument. It's like sin taxes. The people who end up being effected are not what I call the haves but rather the have not's or ordinary citizens. The haves can afford the higher prices and it actually works in their favour. The less ordinary people can afford it the more they have at their disposal. Not a good model in a open bidding system where prices are driven by supply and demand.

I am not suggesting you get rid of the COE system but change it to a fixed price model where prices are kept the same for quarters or even half year periods and then reviewed based on statistics. What really needs to be implemented far more aggressively is the existing cost of ERP and parking to have an impact on vehicle utilisation.

As an example, ERP and parking fees in the city and during the week should be far higher which will change the mindset and ensure more people use the excellent public transport. This will ensure that COE's remain "affordable" allowing the ordinary citizen to at least own a vehicle and use it for the family on weekends when traffic is not such an issue.

I know, the haves will sill be able to pay the increased ERP and parking fees but at least the rest of us will have a car and they might end up not having a car for each of their spoilt "brats".

Does sound a little bit bitchy but that's the truth of the matter.

10 Things I do Miss

As promised and after much deliberation to make sure I pick them correctly, here are the top Ten things I do miss from back home in South Africa.

10 Thing I do Miss

1. Mark (my Boss), Paracon (the company I worked for), my colleagues and our team lunches

2. Friends and family and get together's

3. My "dream" car and my Harley Davidson

4. Our house and owning it. You have to be very rich to own anything in Singapore.

5. Cheap and free parking. There is no such thing in Singapore, except for Dempsey Hill

6. Summertime and being able to spend more time outdoors. You only braai in the evening here.

7. Sport and DSTV (decent sport channels) and TV with no subtitles.

8. Mother in Law Sunday lunch, Tammy's rice salad and Lemon Meringue tart. Can not get it here folks.

9. Early weekend shopping with the rest of the day for sport, kuier and braai. Shops only open here round 11h00.

10. Living like a "King". Wine, Red Meat and everything more affordable.