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Saving Face

You are in a shop you shouldn't be in, in the first place and then you do the one thing you definitely must not do. Ask the price of some item you really like and the dreaded answer that not only takes your breath away but actually makes you want to faint. And so it was for the second time in a few months that I faced this challenging scenario this past Saturday.

After visiting the Harry Potter Exhibition we were strolling down the Marina Bay Sands pier and the wife said she would like to go and look at the inside of the Louis Vuitton sop and check out their purses as she needs a new one. Sounds innocent enough, right.

We were dressed like your average shopper and as long as we did not do something stupid the visit would be without incident. Browsed downstairs and then curiosity got the better of me and we wandered up the staircase to the upper floor. Awesome stuff all around and I walked over to this fancy glass case in the middle of the floor and lone behold. An exquisite Mahjong set on display.  I have a secret passion for Mahjong, and NO, not the electronic kind you play on a computer.

I am talking the real thing where you can touch the blocks, sit around a table, sipping whiskey and slowly indulge in a game of Mahjong. I once owned a beautiful set which I bought in China Town, San Francisco, but it got lost in the "Circus". That's another story on it's own. I digress.

After admiring this thing of beauty I forgot the rules and called the shop lady (who was dressed to a T) across and asked the one question I should not. How much is it. She smiled, explained each piece is handcrafted and there is only one of these in Singapore. The price, $35,0000. Yep. Who in his right mind would even think of touching one of the pieces much less play an actual game.

So here is my advise and I do have some experience in this department. Stay calm, and there are three things that are important to overcome the situation and "Save Face".  The most important is your facial expression upon hearing the price. Do not go into OMG mode, that is a dead give away.

Secondly, look intelligent and interested with a small smile on your face like you expected it to cost a lot less and pause before you respond. You need that Richard Branson look.

And now for the exit strategy. Look one more time and then say you need to look around some more and will call her when you are ready. Move slowly and without suspicion, casually looking at other items to the nearest exit and get the hell out of there.

Unless you actually have that kind of money off course, then go ahead and buy the beauty and for heavens sake don't play with it. Lock it up in a secure glass case for others to drool on.

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