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Dear Blog

We passed another milestone this week with the 30,000 page views achievement. How far we have come in the past 13 months. I remember that first little story, The Eviltwin has Landed  I shared with you and the amazement the next day to see that 9 people had read the story. It started as a means to share my journey with a few friends back home and it has exceeded my wildest dreams.

To date, I have shared 195 stories with you and we have explored Singapore, took trips down memory lane and got exposed to the world of social media in the process. We received some accolades and formal recognition, ended up writing articles for other Blog sites and even got invites to fun and exciting events as a result of our story telling.

I could not have been on this journey without you and the friends we made and helped along the way is very rewarding. The occasional inspirational comment when we post a story that is either funny or informative. Sure, there are the days when I have "Writers Block" and find in difficult to share stuff with you but in the end the fact that there are so many people reading our stories inspire me to get out the gutter and come up with something new and exciting.

It has been a steep learning curve and over time we have had to adapt as our reader base has changed. I am often surprised about the popularity of the stories and more than often it turns out something I might thought sharing with you is not that great ends up being read by so many people. There is no correlation between the amount of research I do and how successful the story turns out at all.

The journey is still in it's infancy and we have the world to share. Who knows where it will take us. A big thank you to all your loyal readers for making my life interesting.

Top page views countries from around the world is Singapore, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Russia.

1 comment:

  1. good going and i hope that you should set next milestone on pageview bigger than this and will achieve this
