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West Coast Swing

AMLive had a segment this morning about this improvised (Not Choreographed) social dancing style and it makes you want to give it a go. Freestyle, sexy moves and very fluent dancing. It's a Partner and "Slotted" dance performed in an imaginary area, eight or nine feet long. Canadian Champs, Myles Munroe and Tessa Cunningham doing the dance to some nice music.

West Coast Swing is the official State Dance of California, one of the rare dances emphasising improvisation. Learn something new everyday. Apparently the dance style is making inroads in Singapore and Asia. Check out the local community website for more information. Great way to kick off the week and get rid of the "Monday 'blues'

Definitely something I could watch and enjoy but my favourite remains the Tango. This band also had another very catchy and famous song. Can you guess it?

Watched a movie on the weekend and the closing song is just so good I had to find it and listen to it a few more times. This lady certainly has a unique and powerful voice. Can you guess the movie the song is played in at the end.

Have a great week.

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