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Singapore "Baby" Time Bomb

Singapore like the rest of Asia has a declining population problem which will impact the country dramatically if not addressed in the right way. Actually, the problem is a worldwide phenomenon and at least Singapore is not in the top 25 countries currently trying to deal with this time bomb. Amazing to think that in the 1970's the Singapore Government actively promoted a "Stop at Two" policy regarding family planning and now has to deal with the negative effects thereof.

Personally, I do not believe the past policies has anything to do with the problem. There has been a paradigm shift in the "New Generations" priorities and I do not believe any form of cash incentives will have a drastic impact on the problem.

I have experienced and seen the changes in my lifetime. When we, in the 80's left school you knew what was expected and that's was just the way it was. Men had to get a good job, get a house and marry a wife that would stay home and look after the children. If you were not married with children by the age of 25 there obviously was something wrong with you. There was no such thing as a small family and most people I knew had two or more children.

So what has changed so drastically? It's simple. Women became independent and gained access to education and the corporate world. The world has become much more competitive and the cost of living has escalated putting huge pressure on individuals to perform and chase the "dream".

Back in the day people were branded "Keeping up with the Joneses" and now I fear we have all become exactly that. The world is about material and economic success and the concept of families and certainly having children has become far less important and even a hindrance in achieving success. Woman are independent and certainly do not need a man to provide for them and having children or more than one will negatively impact on their careers.

It's all "work and no play" and people are to tired to actually have sex and make some babies, let alone have the energy to look after the little rascals once they are born and take away our precious independence. Heaven forbid having more than one baby and having to work even harder to make sure we can properly provide financially for the family.

In my humble opinion providing more paternity leave, first choice for couples regarding housing and any other cash incentives will only result in small changes. The value of the family has flown out the window and will remain so unless we change the perception of how we are "measured" in terms of being successful.  If you Google the word "Successful" you will find images of everything but "Family".

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