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"Slobodan Milosevic", Adobo & The A380 Pilot

Was invited to a house warming party at the wife's boss, Slobodan Milosevic, aka Bobi and his wife Doris on Saturday night. No, not the Slobodan who was accused of war crimes although Bobi has the same name. Obviously you can not turn up at a house warming without a gift sand after some deliberation we settled on a orchid. So what is the correct and traditional house warming gifts one should take along and one of the guests did bring?

Traditionally your gift should include three items, Bread (your cupboards will always be full), Salt (life will always have flavour) and Sugar (life will always have sweetness). Other items you could include and have other meaning are wine, honey, broom, coins and candles. Read more here

Doris laid out a starter spread of salted bread sticks, olives, sliced bread and a selection cold meats and Bobi served up some quality wine and we got to know each other. Proceeded to the table to sit down and enjoy the main course, more bread with cooked prawns and Chicken Adobo prepared by the maid. Aobo is the unofficial National dish of the Philippines, it is excellent and you should definitely try it served with rice or crusty bread.

Here is the recipe Pork and Chicken Adobo recipe link

One the the guests, Jason is a A380 pilot for Singapore airlines and I am crazy about flying and aircraft. Hell, it's not everyday you get to share an evening with pilot that flies the newest and biggest aircraft in the world. The funny part of the discussion and much to the "horror" of the rest of the party guests was the, let say A380 pilot "working hours" and Jason did take some stick and "ridicule" over this.

There are always two sets (four pilots) on board and they fly in six and a half hour shifts. They are not  allowed to fly more than 100 hours a month and on the away leg they get two days to rest and when back home three days. They can also take "controlled" 15 minute breaks during their flight shift so we all joked they they certainly are not over worked. Actually I would not have it any other way as a passenger considering they have 500 plus lives in their hands.

Doris finished the evening of with a cheese platter fit for a king and the best chocolate cake I have ever had in my life. No, she did not bake it and you can also have a slice of heaven, if you live in Singapore. The cake is from Awfully Chocolate and they also produce a range of other delicacies.

Great evening and "To Die for Food".

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