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Eviltwin's "Final" Day on Earth

So here we are. After watching countless Doomsday, Countdown to Apocalypse and other related TV Documentaries, I still do not have the answer. One thing is for sure. I will make sure my last day is a good one and go out with a bang.

Some strange rumbling noises woke me up round 02h00 this morning and after doing some investigation outside I could for the life of me not sleep again and certainly not what you want to wake up to on an ominous day like today. Made some coffee and spend the next few hours watching my favorite programs that I have taped on my decoder. The dogs “Woke” the wife round five, so I took this opportunity to get some snuggle time and make sure I have all the boxes checked for this day.

Toasted Ciabata for breakfast as I have a serious final lunch planned. Took a nice long shower and drove to work without incident. The traffic was very reasonable as lots of people already on leave and the weather looking very “Promising” considering what we are to face. Killed some time to get to my 12 o Clock lunch appointment at Harry’s with the wife just down the drag from the office. The two of us finished a Bar Platter for 4 (Buffalo Chicken Wings, Mini Spring rolls, Samosas, Mini Deep Fried Fish, Beef & Chicken Satay Sticks and some fries) and I had my final Tiger Beer for good measure.

Have to kill a few boring hours until 17h00 then into the final stretch. Have a nice supper accompanied by some good wine, play with the dogs, play Angry Birds one last time and beat my “Annoying” sister, read my Facebook postings and do one last posting to my friends. Off to bed and hopefully some snuggles and off to Dreamland. No, I am not taking the easy way out but figure it’s not worth waiting up for this “Fireworks” Show, whatever it will be.

There is a glimmer of hope that all the hype will not turn out to be reality and I can continue to share stories with you all on the Blog. As one colleague put it this week on the smoking deck, “I have yoghurt in my fridge that expires in March 2013” hence 21/12/2012 cannot be the end of the world.

I have a few of those as well so let’s hope. Just in case we do not make this one. Thanks for your loyal support and it was a pleasure being at your service.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

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