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Burger Bash and the Red Snapper

Great news. Zelma's company has invited us to a F1 Party at their offices in the Centennial Tower for the Singapore night race on the 25th. The Centennial Tower is on the side of the actual track. F1 screening,  savoury buffet, free wine and a Wii Go-Kart challenge. Yes please, count me in.

Took a walk to Juncion8 yesterday to go and shop for the ingredients to test the Umami Burger and re-created that "Little" salad. We only have one car which Zelma use to work and back, so my ventures are on foot, bus or using the MRT. Luckily our house is just 800 meters from Juncion8, so not a problem to get there. It is common here for people to walk and shop. I have seen old and young people with there backpacks doing it and although a foreign concept to me in the beginning, I actually enjoy it now.

Another lesson yesterday on the way back from the shop. Do not pack the umbrella in the bag with all the shopping on top of it. Had to make a run for it the last 200 meters as it started to rain. No world record but the old man made it just slightly wet.

So, onto  the Umami burger. I researched the recipe on the NET and got the ingredients. They all look the same and very simple. One kilogram lean beef mince (I changed it and did a 80/20 split with some pork mince), half teaspoon brown sugar crushed with 2 cloves Garlic, one teaspoon black pepper and the secret ingredient, one and a half tablespoon of Fish sauce. Mix together and marinade for at least an hour before making patties.

Umami, heralded by Japanese scientists as the fifth taste (after the basics of sweet, sour, bitter, salty), is voodoo science to me. Others are convinced of its authenticity, based on the alleged discovery of a taste bud for glutamate, the building block of the umami concept.

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The verdict. We had them with only cheese on buns to make sure we can taste the flavour and they are nice but we both agree. My Burger Bash burgers is still better. More taste and definitely more moist and better texture. Maybe I should have it in a proper restaurant but that would be a long trip as the home of the Umami Burger is in Los Angeles, where even Leonardo DiCaprio and his girlfriend was spotted savouring the famous burger. And I managed to recreate that "Little" salad perfectly. Use dried cranberries which soften up nicely in the salad dressing.

When we were here in February during the visit to Sentosa Island, we had the best Fish & Chips ever at a beach stall. I asked the chef what the fish type was that he used and it was Red Snapper. He covered in beer batter and deep fried. Absolutely awesome. So, yesterday during my shopping trip I looked for a spot to have lunch. The regular KFC and Mc Donalds had long queues of students (If they continue this trend they will get fat very fast), so I walked around and found the Manhattan Fish Market and what do they have? Cherry Snapper Fish & Chips. I highly recommend this and without a doubt the best I have ever had.

Zelma found one of my cookbooks last night that explains all the fish types and what cooking is best suited. Great, let the fish cooking adventure begin.

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