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Rugby, Blogging Scandal & The Second Article

The world cup is now over and the All Blacks has been crowned champions for the first time in 24 years. Personally, I think they did an incredible job at hosting the event and certainly deserved the win. Congratulations to the All blacks. Back home the Currie Cup is now in its final week and the Lions will take on the defending champions, The Sharks this weekend. Obviously the Sharks will win from my perspective and it will be interesting viewing considering my wife is a Lions supporter. Go Sharkies.

The last week has cast a lot of focus on Blogging in Singapore as a local Blogger, Peggy Heng posted a video on her Blog re-enacting a sexual act. The local Blog TV had her and some other local blogger's on the show and the main question was, How far will you GO? What will blogger's do to improve their hit rate and where is the line drawn between what is taste full or not. Basically, the more popular your Blog the better chance you have to monetize and receive financial rewards and accolades like Blog of the year etc. 

The more important question raised is, Why do people Blog?, with many answers. My Blog started as a diary for my friends back home and a way to try and stay in contact. To be honest my reason for doing the Blog has changed and now includes many other things close to my heart that I want to share and even give my opinions about. As a Blogger, I also would like to see more hits as this is the non financial reason for doing it. It makes you feel good when you see the amount of readers increase and give the Blog purpose. Peggy's little stunt increased her blog hits to 10000 which is astonishing. Sex sells was the outcome of the discussion. In the end all Blogger's have a social responsibility to maintain certain standards.

Blogs have also moved into the online realm and I have looked at some of them from a "research" perspective and some of them are actually borderline "Live Shows". You can link to a live Blog and sit and watch the "Blogger" do their thing. Saw some pretty weird stuff.

Although Peggy did not actually perform the act and stopped before actually doing it, her marketing ploy certainly worked and even got her a Television appearance. My research continues.

My second article for the Expat Arrivals web site was approved and published on Friday. Great News. You can check it out at

Here is something I did not know. Nicole, co-presenter on the X-Factor is also the lead singer for the PussyCat Dolls and her boyfriend for the past 4 years was Lewis Hamilton. They broke up last week stating that their schedules does not allow them to continue the relationship. Learn something everyday.

1 comment:

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