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Changing Weather, Organic and Fish Sauce

I am by no means an activist by there are a few things I do feel quite strongly about. One of them is the changing weather and how it effects all of us and even more important how it is going to effect the next generation. We do not have children, so really this should not concern me that much but it actually does. Our generation will probably only experience "minor" effects of the changing weather and then something happens that gives you a wake up call.

I have lived in South Africa all my life until two months ago and yes we have thunderstorms and occasional floods but no real serious weather threats. This past week there were Tornado's in the East Rand where I grew up and if this is not a sign of weather change what is. I remember when I was a child there actually was a Tornado in Roodepoort and I know this because my grand mother lived there at the time. All around us storm intensity and frequency has increased dramatically so we, the now generation better start doing something. The debate has been going on for decades and as an individual we feel we can not change things. The point is you actually can which leads me to my next topic. Organic. I include links to two very interesting documentaries (Trailers) which I own on DVD and if you  have not seen them yet, please watch it. narated by Leonardo DiCaprio by Al Gore

So lets talk about organic because that is where we can have a direct impact on Global Warming. Stay away from the unhealthy fast food, buy organic local produce and cook your own food. We enjoy the occasional eating out at a good restaurant but as a treat and not the norm. And the argument that there is not enough time is not valid. There is no bigger pleasure than a fresh and I mean fresh home cooked meal. Pre prepared meals from the freezer is also unhealthy and does not count as good food in my books.

Unlike back home this is a bigger challenge in Singapore as most of the produce especially meat are imported from Australia and New Zealand. Vegetables, Eggs and bottled stuff comes from all over the world including some South African wine and I even found Ms Balls Chutney at the Fairprice shop. Hence my love of the local Wet Markets where the stuff is fresh, organic and mainly local. As a foodie and home cook I watch loads of food programmes and read as many food magazines and books as I can to explore new ideas and recipes. An example is a programme I watched yesterday, while there was a serious thunderstorm here and I got my answer to why I have been struggling to break an egg without getting the yellow broken. A fried egg must be perfect with the yolk intact. I even resorted to breaking the eggs in cups before actually putting it in the pan.

And the answer is simple. It is not me, its the egg. Mass produced eggs result in the egg yolk having a very thin membrane which basically mean your changes of getting it wrong is 100%. The program shows the difference between the mass produced eggs and organic. Organic eggs yolks have strong enough membranes that you can remove the yolk from the white with your fingers without it breaking and they taste better. Fortunately I have found my favourite eggs here and they are organic and local.

So do your bit, cook your own food and buy organic and local. Take the family to a farmers market and I know there is a lot back home and explore the jams, preserves and other yummie stuff  produced by local people. I actually investigated the "food places" in any of our holiday destinations in the past and that was part of the holiday experience and fun. In fact. I will make it easy for you. Here is the link to guide you to find a lekker spot.

One of my favourite things to ask new people I meet and get to know is. What would be your last meal? Food  tells you allot about a person so I put it to you. If you knew your next meal would be your last on earth would you be happy if it was a Mc Donalds burger? Think before you answer and then plan your next meal. I certainly know what mine would be.

I include a link to a video that you must watch. It is only the trailer but you can buy it.

I mentioned the Umami Burger and Fish Sauce in a previous post and although I was not that impressed I decided to experiment some more. I can now agree with the write ups. I have used fish sauce in my soup and yesterday in a mouth watering Lamb Stew and there is a definite new element to the taste. Very Nice. I only use a teaspoon but it does make a huge difference and not overpowering. I can never get by without my favourites but my kitchen cupboard now contains some new stuff like Oyster Sauce, Chines Rice Vinegar, Fish Sauce, Sesame Oil, Duck Fat and Ikan Bills (concentrated Fish Stock).

Next week I will reserve one of my posts for Eviltwin's "Soup and Stew 101".

Its Friday and how time flies. I wish you all a great weekend and enjoy some good food people.

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