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Singapore, Desirable or Corrupt

Relax! The post title was a ploy to lure readers. Before I get my head taken of here is the good news. Singapore was ranked 5th overall in the 2011 Corruption Perception Index. The Index ranks countries/territory's based on how corrupt public sector is perceived to be with 0 being highly corrupt and 10 considered very clean. Singapore scored a 9.2 and it is nice to know I live in a country which is in the top 5 worldwide.

Sadly, my home country, South Africa came in at number 64 with a score of 4.2. No surprise there.

In another survey conducted by recruitment firm Hydrogen and business school ESCP Europe, Singapore has moved up two places in the Most Desirable place to live and work and is now in the 4th spot. The three most popular places remain the US, UK and Australia but their dominance is waning.

And now for the appropriate picture for desirable. If you google the word you get loads of pictures of hot woman, a few men and a car or two. So this one goes to my home country without a doubt.

She is one of the Top Ten Most Desirable Women for 2012. Candice Swanepoel, a stunning, blond, blue eyed, 5'9' Victoria's Secret Model from South Africa and that's all I am allowed to say about her. Anything more and I will sleep with the dogs. Enjoy.

Hang on, this is not what the posting is about. How did I get so distracted? Damn Google. So here is the picture I meant to put in.

Somehow does not have the same effect???


  1. Great post Pierre.No surprises about South Africa being low on the corruption index, but our women are the finest in the whole world!

  2. Good day Mr Eviltwin
    hope you are still enjoying Singapore .

  3. Get Lost! She Is Pretty!
