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The Monster Arapaima

Our first stop during the family "Road Trip" in the Kranji Countryside was the Hausmann Aquarium. The farm has an aquarium store, fishing ponds, fish foot spa and other entertaining things like feeding Koi's. Thought it would be a nice visit for my 12 year old niece but I was wrong.

I skip right to the exciting part and my thrill of the day. Turns out they have large fish including something I never dreamt I would see alive. I have seen it on National Geographic "Monster Fishing" programs before but it is very different seeing it with your own eyes alive.

A monster Arapaima. From South America, a living fossil and one of the largest fresh water fishes in the world. They can grow to 2.5 meters long and can weigh up to 200 kilograms. No picture can do it justice so you will have to go and see it for yourself.

I have been to many aquariums over the years and this is a first. I got goose flesh standing next to the caged pond and looking down at the "Monster". Immediately went to buy some whole dead fish from the front desk and proceeded to feed the monster.  Actually, I was a bit terrified to feed this thing and the cage around the tank must mean something.

Turns out my hunch was right. They are quite dangerous and aggressive.

"Think Koi feeding is fun? Come feed a huge collection of exotic fishes from the Amazon basin, from the biggest freshwater fish, The Giant Arapaima to a much small Black Pacu. There are also other monster fishes like the Alligator Gar, Red Tail Catfish and Freshwater Stingrays etc."

Funny sign before entering the fishing ponds.

Feeding the Koi's. Bit boring after the earlier action.

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