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How safe is Singapore & The Flag

The latest Singapore crime statistics were released this morning and in a nutshell there has been a 7% drop in 2011 resulting in a 20 year low in this regard. My Personal view, Singapore is one of the safest cities in the world. Check out the full report here Singapore Crime Stats

The How Safe is Singapore question I often get asked is however not related to crime but more from a natural disaster point of view with the favourite comment, That's where the Tsunami struck. So lets take a look at the history in this regard. In the past hundred years apart from "Floods" in 1969, 1978 and 2011 there has been no other natural disasters of any kind in Singapore.

The floods were also not major, but rather flash floods due to heavy rain over a very short period with the drainage systems not coping. This problem is currently being addressed with new drainage and prevention systems being implemented. Floods in Singapore

I do not include WWII and the invasion and occupation of the Singapore by the Japanese. Those were some very dark days and a whole story on its own. Singapore has had some other disasters over the years with the collapse of the Nicoll Highway (2004), Cable Car Accident (1983), and Spyros Tanker explosion in 1978 killing 76 people and post war the worst accident in terms of lives lost in history.

All said and done Singapore is a very safe place to live in. Read up on the details here. Singapore Disasters

One of the Founding Fathers of modern Singapore, DR Toh Chin Chye and former Prime Minister died on Friday aged 90 and was buried yesterday according to his instructions in a private funeral held at the Mandai Crematorium. "Singapore has lost a Great Man"


The colours of the Singapore flag represent red for brotherhood and equality; white for purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation on the rise. The five stars stand for Singapore's ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

The crescent moon originally served as a symbol of assurance to the Malays in 1959 —the year the flag was designed— that Singapore was not a Chinese state. Today it is generally said that the moon signified a young nation rising. The flag was designed initially to have three stars, until leaders such as then Deputy Prime Minister Toh Chin Chye expressed concern that Singapore might be perceived to have associations with the Malayan Communist Party, the flag of which also had three stars. The flag was originally meant to be red as red is a very traditional Chinese colour. But because of the fear of Communism in those days, a completely red flag was abandoned.

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