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Mustafa's & The Lions

Took the MRT to Mustafa's Saturday for some bargain shopping. The center is open 24 hours a day and with 6 floors selling anything from Gold to electronics you can spend a whole day browsing. There is a supermarket, hardware floor, clothing, linen, jewellery, electronics and cosmetics all under one roof. No bargaining as far as I could see but  excellent prices all round. Ended up walking down Serangoon road back to Little India which is not far at all. Finally managed to get Zelma to have some fish and chips at the Manhattan Fish Market. Yummie.

The Lions put on a spirited rugby display on Saturday to clench the 2011 Currie Cup trophy against the Sharks. For a team considered ordinary men against the Springbok laden Sharks they certainly showed what can be done when a team plays together and obviously their coach must also get some of the glory. Its their first Currie Cup win in 12 years and the first win on home soil in 61 years. Well done Lions and my Sharkies will have to go back to the drawing board.

Zelma's boss was in South Africa last week and brought back some Beef Biltong for us. First time in months we had some and very very nice. Long weekend coming up with next Monday a public holiday and some exploration on the cards.

Have a great week.

Disasters, iPhone, 787 and Surprises

Its been a week of disasters and tragic losses. Turkey got hit by a massive Earth Quake with many people killed and the floods in Thailand have now reached its critical point with Bangkok drowning in all the water. Mass Exodus of people and the economy taking major blows. The worst is still too come if the remaining flood walls do not hold up. Even Singapore suffered from some severe weather with flash floods closing several roads yesterday. Today is Marco Simoncelli's funeral after he was tragically killed last Sunday in the Moto GP.

The launch of the new Apple iPhone 4S yesterday in Singapore resulted in people queuing from as early as 09h45 in the morning until midnight to get their hands on the new toy. I do not understand that one but then I have never really been a phone freak. The first person in the queue actually did it for his Boss who was "busy". Model employee, I say.

The Boeing 787  Dreamliner took its first commercial flight yesterday aftter a two year delay, from Tokyo to Hong Kong. This is the the plane that promise to change the experience of flying. It's sleek, with higher ceilings, includes LED lighting, 30% larger windows with electronic tinting, and humidity and pressure improvements all resulting in a reduced jet lag. It will compete with the A380 and I quote,

"The plane is much quieter both for passengers inside and people on the ground. The difference between the A-380 and the 787 is very noticeable on take off. The A-380 roars, while the 787's are just whispering " a passenger on board said.

I hope I will get the opportunity to experience a flight on one of those. It is a thing of beauty.

If you have not seen it check it out

Our best friends Fanie and Tammy surprised us yesterday with the great news that they will be visiting us in December for a 10 day holiday. The absolute perfect Christmas Gift and we have started counting the days. Its going to be a blast.

The bloody wet tiles got the better of me last night and I saw my ass without a mirror as they say. Battered and bruised this morning and it feels like I was in a boxing fight with Mike Tyson or something. Will have to be more careful when it rains in future.

I must include a link to a article written by a fellow Blogger, Bea whom I follow, with the Title "A White Person's Guide to Living in Asia". It's so good, funny and worth a read.

Going to put the Weber to good use and have a lekker braai (BBQ). Currie cup Final tomorrow.

Go Sharks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you all a stunning weekend.

Orchard Road

We decided to spend the public holiday yesterday to visit the famous Orchard Road. Seems strange considering we have now lived here for nearly three months and have not had the time to get to this one. Breakfast at Junxion8 (Kaya & Coppi) and then got the MRT to Orchard Road. We got there around 10h00 and it was nice and quite and most of the shops still closed or in the process of opening.

2.2 Kilometers, one way road flanked by iconic malls as far as you can see offering a drop dead shopping experience like no other. We have been to Paris and London but this takes the cake. We managed to cover about four different malls and to be honest we need at least another two visits to do this justice. Mind blowing retail dining and entertainment facilities from upmarket brand names down to more cost effective options. Upscale restaurants and loads of food courts to choose from.

Some of the shops are actually like a mall within a mall and the range and diversity of the products is stunning. Thought of many people I would like to take there and see their reactions. Also saw the biggest outdoor TV Screen I have ever seen. It certainly lives up to the hype and glamour. Many more visits to come. Also saw the biggest range of Halloween products ever and would certainly make for throwing an outrages Halloween party at home.

Here is the official Link

Check out this crazy Halloween house.

Rugby, Blogging Scandal & The Second Article

The world cup is now over and the All Blacks has been crowned champions for the first time in 24 years. Personally, I think they did an incredible job at hosting the event and certainly deserved the win. Congratulations to the All blacks. Back home the Currie Cup is now in its final week and the Lions will take on the defending champions, The Sharks this weekend. Obviously the Sharks will win from my perspective and it will be interesting viewing considering my wife is a Lions supporter. Go Sharkies.

The last week has cast a lot of focus on Blogging in Singapore as a local Blogger, Peggy Heng posted a video on her Blog re-enacting a sexual act. The local Blog TV had her and some other local blogger's on the show and the main question was, How far will you GO? What will blogger's do to improve their hit rate and where is the line drawn between what is taste full or not. Basically, the more popular your Blog the better chance you have to monetize and receive financial rewards and accolades like Blog of the year etc. 

The more important question raised is, Why do people Blog?, with many answers. My Blog started as a diary for my friends back home and a way to try and stay in contact. To be honest my reason for doing the Blog has changed and now includes many other things close to my heart that I want to share and even give my opinions about. As a Blogger, I also would like to see more hits as this is the non financial reason for doing it. It makes you feel good when you see the amount of readers increase and give the Blog purpose. Peggy's little stunt increased her blog hits to 10000 which is astonishing. Sex sells was the outcome of the discussion. In the end all Blogger's have a social responsibility to maintain certain standards.

Blogs have also moved into the online realm and I have looked at some of them from a "research" perspective and some of them are actually borderline "Live Shows". You can link to a live Blog and sit and watch the "Blogger" do their thing. Saw some pretty weird stuff.

Although Peggy did not actually perform the act and stopped before actually doing it, her marketing ploy certainly worked and even got her a Television appearance. My research continues.

My second article for the Expat Arrivals web site was approved and published on Friday. Great News. You can check it out at

Here is something I did not know. Nicole, co-presenter on the X-Factor is also the lead singer for the PussyCat Dolls and her boyfriend for the past 4 years was Lewis Hamilton. They broke up last week stating that their schedules does not allow them to continue the relationship. Learn something everyday.

Marco Simoncelli - RIP

Yesterday was a sad day with the tragic death of Marco Simoncelli in the Malaysian MotoGP. I want to dedicate this post to Marco and his family. Like so many, I do not have words to describe the shock an loss of a young rising Star in the sport and will miss him watching any future races. Everybody knows it's a dangerous sport but when it happens like yesterday it just saddens the whole world. The racing world has been hit by two tragic deaths in one week.

I include a posting on YouTube by a fan honouring Marco.

RIP - Marco

ShepHerd's Pie and TV Shows

I am glad it is weekend as it turned out to be a real "House Keepers" week with not much time for some exploration. Weekly shopping (Now early Monday Morning to avoid the crowd), Garden services, dogs to the parlour, haircut and cooking. I will not mention the Job Hunt as I am pretty sure you will see the tears running down the post. Next Wednesday is also a public holiday in Singapore.

Zelma made the "Best I have ever Had" Shepherd's Pie and the only difference from before is the use of Mutton Mince and not Lamb mince. And no, they are not the same and I did loose the bet. Lamb is typically meat from an animal up to 12 months old where mutton is obviously from an older animal. Mutton is suitable for stews and pies as it is not as tender. You can read up further on all the details;

We did manage to play some catch up with our favourite TV shows now that I am in the downloading mode again. Top Gear, as I mentioned before but also watched some Damages, Dexter and QI. For those of you not familiar with these shows I present a short write-up. Highly Recommended. I provide some sample clips to tickle your interest. You can download them from

Dexter is the story of this "Normal" Blood Spatter Analyst working for Miami Metro Police who has a very dark side. Sort of like Robin Hood but instead of money his passion is to kill people who gets away from justice. His father was a cop and now he also works with his sister, a cop. Interesting story line and each season has a main villain.

QI is a very funny and interesting BBC Quiz show hosted by Stephen Fry. Features 3 guests every week and pose some real life questions with amazing answers. Bit of a "Adult" Show. They have themes, dress up and often the actual show turns out something very different due to the witty comments flying between the guests and the host. I keep the Oxford dictionary handy to understand all the English words but very entertaining.

Damages is a legal thriller set in the world of New York City high-stakes litigation, Damages follows the turbulent lives of Patty Hewes (Glenn Close) the nation's most revered and reviled high-stakes litigator and her bright, ambitious young protege Ellen Parsons (Rose Byrne). Each season also  feature a major bad guy as part of the plot. Season 4 has just started.

The Big Bang Theory is the story of two brilliant theoretical physicists, who thought they new everything about life, meet a woman who shows them how little they actually know about real life. Very funny and enjoyable.

I am also a huge fan of Master Chef Australia for obvious reasons. Other favourites include, The Killing, Body of Proof, Lie To Me and Yes, Desperate Housewife's.

Have a nice weekend

Hawker Centres, Occupy and Avocado

I concluded my research yesterday for the article I am doing for Expat Arrivals and sent it off this morning for approval (Hold Thumbs). In the process I have visited food centres in China Town (Previously), Little India, Bishan, Ang Mo Kio, East Coast Lagoon and yesterday Serangoon Gardens.

We also visited some of the non traditional food centres as they are very modern and air conditioned and are operated by large food chains like Food Republic and Food Junction. They are found in the big shopping centres and do not have the fresh produce sections. Same food but definitely lack the ambiance and excitement of the traditional food centres. In the process I have had some amazing food and the list is to long to mention. The journey does not end as I have not even covered the tip of the iceberg. 

Link to local hawker centre portal;

Some interesting things I learned. If you find a tissue packet on a table it is reserved or "Choped". A queue at a food stall does not mean the food is very good. Singaporeans believe in queuing and that it means there is something good where there is a queue. Some foods can not be ordered in single servings like Fish Head Curry. It is meant to be shared. It is common to order several dishes from different stalls and then share with friends and family.

Dress casual and cool (Nobody wears as suite to eat street food) and take spare napkins if you are going to do the curry thing. Food prices are fixed and there is no bargaining. Food stall cleanliness are rated with "A" being very good and "C" very bad. Most stalls give you a number and serve your food at your table. Check for self service notice else you might wait a long time for your food.

If the place is packed do not fear. It is customary to sit at a table with strangers and even have a chat. I had a nice chat to a old Chinese man last week. Parking is not free so get your vouchers from the local 7Eleven else you will  have a problem. Strange food names can actually be something simple. Example, Beef Kway Teow = Ribbon Rice Noodles served with Beef strips and beef mince balls.

Last but not least it is not uncommon to hear slurping and gulping. One thing I still must conquer is those little chopsticks. Still eating with a spoon which does make me stand out. I will continue the quest.

PS. you can get a hearty meal for between $3 - $5 and the fresh produce is much cheaper at the Hawker Centres than at the shopping malls.

I am sure you are all aware of the "Occupy" demonstrations that has taken place in some of the major Financial Hubs like Wall Street. I was quite interesting and funny to read a fellow Blogger, (Orangefoamfinger) post yesterday on this topic in Singapore. Remember, that kind of sh.. I mean stuff is not allowed here. Read the article here and check the photos of the demonstrators.Nice one Orangefoamfinger.

We love avocados and most weekends it is part of breakfast. I have been struggling to get nice ones here and have settled for the small imported Australian Hass ones until I find the real stuff. Then at breakfast we discussed where does avocado actually come from and did not have the answer. Googled it and they are Native to Central Mexico. Guacamole should have been a dead give away. The top three producing countries today is Mexico, Indonesia and the USA. Avocado was only introduced to South Africa and Australia in the late 19th century.

Read more here.

Little India, Halloween and Rugby

Took the MRT to Little India Saturday morning to go and look for some spices. Started with the food court and fresh market as you get out the station which was bustling with people and fresh produce to feast your eyes on. We did not have a map but followed the crowds down all the little packed streets and after about 2 hours and a Temple visit started looking for a place to lunch. Carey, a new acquaintance whom we were going to go and have supper with had to cancel and recommended we look up The Banana Leaf restaurant in Little India.

We found it in the last street we strolled down and the air conditioning was a welcome relief. Zelma can not eat spicy food, but she bravely agreed that we would try the Indian Cuisine. The lady at the entrance gave me a strange look when I asked if they had any non spicy food. Silly, its an Indian spot. The restaurant is "Famous" for their Fish Head curry and as we walked to our table I could see why. Everybody had big servings of Fish Head Curry. I had it a few years back in Malaysia at a business lunch and must agree it looks weird but very nice. Zelma ordered the Chicken Korma and I decided to go full throttle and ordered the Mutton Vindaloo. Kicked off with some Pompadom's and Indian Beer called Cobra which was really smooth.

The food arrived in bowls and you plate it up on your own banana leaf. All I can say is the vindaloo lived up to its name. Extremely hot, very tasty and I finished the last remaining sauce with some Naan Bread. Zelma enjoyed the Chicken Korma (Not Spicy) and we both agreed we would go back again to try some other menu items. The place is clean, with friendly staff and excellent value for money.

Halloween is fast approaching with Resorts World Sentosa putting up a seven night "spooktacular" at Universal Studios.  Sounds like loads of fun and I must choose between the Writers Festival an this or try and juggle it so we can do both. Will report back.

Watched the Rugby on Sunday and no surprise there. After coming away last week watching the Springboks get robbed from their victory by the grossly incompetent and abysmal referee Mr Bryce Laurence, I was left with a bitter taste in my mouth. Still, I congratulated the Aussies and resisted to post a newspaper article written by an Aussie detailing the injustice. One thing is for sure, The Wheel Does Turn and justice will prevail.

And so it was, The All Blacks dominating the Aussies much like the Springboks did but this time there would be no help from the referee. Personally, I know the All Blacks must have had a smile on their faces knowing they would not have to face the Springboks based on last weeks performance. All they had to do is do what the Boks did and knowing they would have a fair referee in Craig Joubert (The South African nogal) it was a done deal from the start. So now the Aussies can join us in the stands and watch the poor French try and beat the mighty All Blacks.

Also watched Casey Stoner clinch the 2011 Moto GP world title in front of his home crowd at the Phillip Island circuit. My man Rossi has had the worst year of his career and I wonder if he regrets the decision to join the Ducati Racing Team. Stoner certainly deserved the championship based on his performance. Well Done Casey. I really hope next year will be more competitive as I fear Moto GP is going the same boring route as the current F1. Not much fun to watch and believe me I am a very big supporter. Trash the electronic gimmicks and lets get back to man and machine and some real racing.

Blue Monday. Why is weekends always so short??

Singapore Airshow, 16 Years and Ouma

Today is our 16th anniversary so I want to thank my wife for the best 16 years of my life.

Het lekker Ouma Karringmelk beskuit gehad vir ontbyt. Party goed bly maar net lekker. Dip in die koffie en geniet. In English, Had me some Grandmother Traditional Buttermilk Rusks with coffee this morning. You can only get them from The Springbok Bazaar in Singapore.

It's official. Durban now has the worlds Highest Swing. Something for the bucket list.

Proud Manager Tracy Ferguson and Director of company, Big Rush Brian Naidoo show off their certificate. Picture:Marilyn Bernard

It is official - Guinness World Records has recognised Durban’s Big Swing as the tallest jump swing in the world.
The Big Swing at the Moses Mabhida Stadium measures 88m from the seat to the top of the crossbar.
An ecstatic Brian Naidoo, the director of Big Rush, the company that built and operates the swing, said it was a “proud moment not only for the city but for the province as a whole. We are the first and only stadium in the world that has a jump swing and it’s a huge achievement.”
Manager Tracey Ferguson said she “felt very proud and excited about it. The swing is an incredible experience which appeals to a wide range of people.” Since the swing was launched more than 5 000 people have made the jump, with 1 612 jumping this year

Before a person “takes the plunge”, you need to walk up 352 steps, which Naidoo says is part of building up the adrenalin rush.
“The swing is for everyone and with the festive season coming up it’s certainly a must for tourists and people who want to experience the adrenalin rush,” said Naidoo.
Successful swingers will in future receive a certificate with the Guinness logo. - Daily News 

The Singapore Airshow, among the world's Top 3 aviation events, is the largest aerospace and defence event in Asia. It will be held between 14 -19 February 2012 and will be open to public  18,19 February. I have attended many airshows and certainly will not miss this one next year.

For those of you who have not noticed I have included a nifty "How to Cook Anything" button at the top right hand of the Blog. Type the name of what you would like to prepare, click Cook IT and the website will list the ingredients you want to include. Tick the Ingredients you have or want and click on Find Recipes. Easy does it for the aspiring cooks.

The Garden Project started on Wednesday and phase 1 has been completed. Need to get some more colour and flowers to make it feel like a garden.

Have a nice weekend.

Show me Some Skin and Top Gear

"Show me some Skin." - The Title of the local Blog TV programme last night.

Over the past few weeks there has been some serious debate, news articles and TV discussions about nudity and obscenity here, as a result of the Abercrombie & Fitch (massive) advertisement in Orchard Road featuring a man with a very low cut pair of denims. They say it was put there to prevent people seeing the renovation work going on behind it. Brilliant ploy as the amount of "Free" advertising they got is priceless.  Back home I am convinced this would not even have stirred up the same emotions.

Last night the discussion continued on the local Blog TV channel and covered general state of advertising, dress code and the fashion industry in Singapore. Has obscenity become accepted. I have to give my own views on this one. Singapore woman tend to wear very short skirts and yes it is hot so who am I to disagree, Not sure if I would call it obscene but some of dresses are so short it is borderline. Even Zelma has commented on this issue. Going up an escalator sometimes can be a challenge.

The debate continues. Lets blame the weather I say.

I watched Top Gear for the first time in about three months on Monday. My passion for cars started when I was still very young and by the age of thirteen I already had my first speeding fine. The cop made me pay it out of my pocket money and years later he was the same guy who did my drivers license test. I passed first time, go figure. Over the years I have also been fortunate to have owned some truly spectacular cars with fond memories and the fact that I do not have my own set of wheels is very strange and even sad. I digress.

Watched Top Gear Season 17 Episode 1. I really enjoy Richard (Hamster) Hammond and this episode is awesome as always and actually start of in South Africa. I will not detail any spoilers but the programme also feature the 50th Birthday of the iconic, classic and still beautiful E-Type Jaguar and ends with a challenge that include the Olympic Gold Medalist, Amy Williams. Jeremy was smitten with her and I have to agree. She is super Hot! Not sure where the Top Gear schedule is back home but get it boys and enjoy. Can't wait to watch the rest of the programmes. I downloaded them from Excellent download site.

Before coming to Singapore I had to make the difficult decision to delete my external hard drive due to the strict Media rules here. After days of pondering this one I decided to pack the drive with all my precious data and see what happens. It came thru intact. Very happy as it also contains all the previous 16 Top Gear Seasons and years of TV and Movie downloads. Nothing illegal off course.

The best Top Gear episode without a doubt is Season 15 episode 5 which has Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz as the guest stars  and a special tribute to one of the Formula One greats, Ayrton Senna. No, The Greatest Ever and not just me that say that. Shummie agrees. I was a "Prost, The Professor" man but undoubtedly the 80's was the golden era of Formula One. A Car, a Driver and none of the technological gimmicks of today. If you are a F1 fanatic and you have not seen the movie yet watch it.

Here is the trailer link:

Shark Fin and Shopping in the Slow Lane

Mondays is Eviltwin's shopping day and I have the car, but based on the disaster last week I decided to change the shopping day to Tuesday. Big Mistake. Holy unaware of the fact that Tuesdays is "Pensioner" day at Fairprice Supermarket, I got there and it looked like I had entered an Old Age Home. I could not understand what the heck but persevered with lots and lots of patience as things were very slow from a "Isle Traffic" point of view.

Ended up doing another 45 minute stand in the queue and finally asked the teller diplomatically why it was so "busy". Ah, she said. Tuesdays is pensioner day. You must not come here on a Tuesday. I enjoy old people but I am going to delay shopping with big groups of pensioners for at least a few more years.  Shopping day now on Wednesday and I really hope it is more successful. Hopefully something like "Super Model" day or something.

Also managed to get the Breyani for lunch yesterday at the Ang Mo Kio Hub. I have walked past this little shop many times and the food aroma in the air is intoxicating, but it is always packed. Found a empty spot yesterday and got me the Mutton Breyani for a mere $6. It's right up there with the best I have ever had and at the end my nose was running, eyes watery and sweat running down my face. Heaven!!!!! I sat next to an Old Chinese Guy and he goes there once a week every week. We agreed the food is awesome and he told me I could not go wrong with any of the other menu choices. Another favourite spot for me and I really wished some of my curry loving friends were here.

I have never eaten any food containing shark but have noticed it on sale in the supermarkets since arriving in Singapore. We decided that this would not be part of our diet and I must admit I really try and do my bit when it comes to preservation and endangered seafood. Big announcement in the news that Cold Storage, one of the biggest Supermarket Chains here will stop selling shark fin and any shark products in their 42 outlets across the country.

"We want to play our part towards caring for the environment. Our team is committed to sourcing for quality, sustainable seafood and other products in our efforts to achieve long-term sustainability and marine conservation," said Mr Victor Chia, CEO of Cold Storage Supermarket, in a statement."
Well done Cold Storage and you have my continued support.

Singapore is one of the biggest seafood consumers in the Asia-Pacific region, consuming an average of 100,000 tonnes of seafood each year. Most of this is imported from the Coral Triangle, the world's most diverse marine environment.

Singapore Writers Festival

Zelma has been noticing sign boards promoting the Singapore Writers Festival and thought I might find it interesting. Last night she gave me the web address and I did some reading up this morning and it looks really interesting. The festival is over a nine day starting on 22 October and considering my new Blog, I think I will go and attend a few selected sessions to help me with me writing skills. Have to keep my readers interested and happy.

Guess I better get me some glasses as I seriously start sounding and acting like a "nerd". I have always enjoyed reading, movies and music and they do form part of The Arts. Checked the wikipedia for The Arts and yes they do all fall in the definition.

I include the video link for all my fellow arts lovers and book worms.

Yesterday was the Opening of the 12th Singapore Parliament and I do not want to sound non patriotic or political but what a breath of fresh air listening to the Presidents Speech considering what I had to face back home with Mr Zuma.

Here is the link for interested parties.

I have heard of dangerous Golf Courses and even played the hole at the Lost City Golf Course where the green is surrounded by crocodiles but this one tops it all. The Carbrook Golf Course in Brisbane, Australia has six Bull Sharks in a pond near the 14th Tee. They were stranded there several years ago during floods. Here is the video link;

Tomorrow is Phase 1 of the "Garden Project". I will post an update on Thursday.

Hawker Center and Rugby at Picotin

Learned another lesson on Friday. You can not get replacement printer cartridges for your HP or any other foreign printer in Singapore as they are not compatible. Will have to trash the printer and buy a new one.

We went to the Tech Ghee Court (Hawker Center) Saturday morning for breakfast and my first site visit as part of my article investigation. Hawker Centers are different from the food courts as they are non air conditioned open market in the various suburbs. The place was vibrant, filled with glorious food smells and fresh produce. We decided to have a local favourite breakfast, Kaya Toast. Kaya is a jam made from coconut milk and eggs flavoured by Panda leaf and sweetened with sugar. It is spread on toast topped by thin slices of butter and another slice of toast, typically served with soft boiled eggs and Kopi (Local Coffee).

The lady served the toast at our table, the eggs in a plastic container with boiling water and the Kopi. I sipped my coffee and proceeded to remove the eggs from the water only to have the lady run across and shout, No No, six minutes. She removed the eggs and brought a fresh batch with some more instruction, Six Minutes. Not showing my embarrassment with a smile we now waited Six Minutes and then I glanced over to the lady and she gave me the thumbs up. Removed the eggs and got rid of the shells. You splash soy sauce over the soft eggs, dip the Kaya toast in it and enjoy. Heaven!!!!. The Kopi is like coffee with a tiny weeny bit of milk and very sweet. I enjoyed it but Zelma found it to sweet.

The rest of the market was a fun and interesting experience filled with people, little shops and loads of fresh produce stalls. 

Sunday was the big rugby day with the Boks playing Australia in the quarter finals. England lost to France the previous game and I had my concerns over the upcoming game. Of we went to Picotin, a local Pub out at the Singapore Turf Club. We went early and turned out to be a good idea as we found the second last unreserved spot inside the pub. The waitress explained that if we left the spot unguarded we would be out the door. It's a real pub with three inside areas and two outside areas and by 12h00 it was packed to capacity. We were flanked by Aussies and one South African so it was going to be interesting. Lots of All Black and English supporters also in attendance.

We treated ourselves to lunch and immediately I ordered the special, Baked Snails as I am a huge fan and did not think I would find this here. Mains order was Honey Glazed Ribs and Chips for me and Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding for Zelma.The snails arrived not looking like I have ever seen it and very green but after the first bite I was hooked. Main course was top notch. We enjoyed some beers with the crowd and unfortunately the Bokke could not capitalise on their dominance and lost in a nail biting game. Really enjoyed the whole afternoon apart from the goodbyes and having to congratulate the Aussies, but still I did. Obviously missed all our friends. Wish you were here :)

The snails puzzled me so after getting home I had to investigate. Turns out it is typical French style of preparing snails called Escargots de Bourgogne. We visited Paris a few years back but I never had snails over there. Too Expensive. I remembered my Gerard Depardieu cookbook (The Actor from the movie - Green Card for those who do not know), which is French Cooking so I looked it up and here is the recipe. I highly recommend this preparation to any snail lovers and it is quite different from the traditional Cheesy Garlic Snails. Very Simple and delicious.

Cook the fresh snails (Tinned ones do not need cooking) for 10 minutes in Brine (Salted water) and drain. Mix 100g butter, 2 Cloves Crushed Garlic and 1 Bunch finely chopped Flat Leaf Parsley together. Put Snails in snail pan, top with sauce, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and baked for ten minutes. If you really want that cheese flavour, top with a slice of Gruyere Cheese before baking.

Here is an alternative recipe link served in the shells.

PS. If you have not seen the movie worth a watch. Nice love story from the 90's

Took the dogs for their weekly walk late Sunday afternoon and relaxed for the rest of the remaining bit of weekend.

Hope you all had a great weekend and enjoy the week.

Changing Weather, Organic and Fish Sauce

I am by no means an activist by there are a few things I do feel quite strongly about. One of them is the changing weather and how it effects all of us and even more important how it is going to effect the next generation. We do not have children, so really this should not concern me that much but it actually does. Our generation will probably only experience "minor" effects of the changing weather and then something happens that gives you a wake up call.

I have lived in South Africa all my life until two months ago and yes we have thunderstorms and occasional floods but no real serious weather threats. This past week there were Tornado's in the East Rand where I grew up and if this is not a sign of weather change what is. I remember when I was a child there actually was a Tornado in Roodepoort and I know this because my grand mother lived there at the time. All around us storm intensity and frequency has increased dramatically so we, the now generation better start doing something. The debate has been going on for decades and as an individual we feel we can not change things. The point is you actually can which leads me to my next topic. Organic. I include links to two very interesting documentaries (Trailers) which I own on DVD and if you  have not seen them yet, please watch it. narated by Leonardo DiCaprio by Al Gore

So lets talk about organic because that is where we can have a direct impact on Global Warming. Stay away from the unhealthy fast food, buy organic local produce and cook your own food. We enjoy the occasional eating out at a good restaurant but as a treat and not the norm. And the argument that there is not enough time is not valid. There is no bigger pleasure than a fresh and I mean fresh home cooked meal. Pre prepared meals from the freezer is also unhealthy and does not count as good food in my books.

Unlike back home this is a bigger challenge in Singapore as most of the produce especially meat are imported from Australia and New Zealand. Vegetables, Eggs and bottled stuff comes from all over the world including some South African wine and I even found Ms Balls Chutney at the Fairprice shop. Hence my love of the local Wet Markets where the stuff is fresh, organic and mainly local. As a foodie and home cook I watch loads of food programmes and read as many food magazines and books as I can to explore new ideas and recipes. An example is a programme I watched yesterday, while there was a serious thunderstorm here and I got my answer to why I have been struggling to break an egg without getting the yellow broken. A fried egg must be perfect with the yolk intact. I even resorted to breaking the eggs in cups before actually putting it in the pan.

And the answer is simple. It is not me, its the egg. Mass produced eggs result in the egg yolk having a very thin membrane which basically mean your changes of getting it wrong is 100%. The program shows the difference between the mass produced eggs and organic. Organic eggs yolks have strong enough membranes that you can remove the yolk from the white with your fingers without it breaking and they taste better. Fortunately I have found my favourite eggs here and they are organic and local.

So do your bit, cook your own food and buy organic and local. Take the family to a farmers market and I know there is a lot back home and explore the jams, preserves and other yummie stuff  produced by local people. I actually investigated the "food places" in any of our holiday destinations in the past and that was part of the holiday experience and fun. In fact. I will make it easy for you. Here is the link to guide you to find a lekker spot.

One of my favourite things to ask new people I meet and get to know is. What would be your last meal? Food  tells you allot about a person so I put it to you. If you knew your next meal would be your last on earth would you be happy if it was a Mc Donalds burger? Think before you answer and then plan your next meal. I certainly know what mine would be.

I include a link to a video that you must watch. It is only the trailer but you can buy it.

I mentioned the Umami Burger and Fish Sauce in a previous post and although I was not that impressed I decided to experiment some more. I can now agree with the write ups. I have used fish sauce in my soup and yesterday in a mouth watering Lamb Stew and there is a definite new element to the taste. Very Nice. I only use a teaspoon but it does make a huge difference and not overpowering. I can never get by without my favourites but my kitchen cupboard now contains some new stuff like Oyster Sauce, Chines Rice Vinegar, Fish Sauce, Sesame Oil, Duck Fat and Ikan Bills (concentrated Fish Stock).

Next week I will reserve one of my posts for Eviltwin's "Soup and Stew 101".

Its Friday and how time flies. I wish you all a great weekend and enjoy some good food people.

News, COE and Beep Beep

On a sad note, the co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs passed away last night after a long battle with cancer. What would the world be without his vision and ground breaking and innovative products. May he rest in peace.

I agreed with Stephanie from Expat Arrivals yesterday on my new assignment and it is right up my ally and include one of my favourite pastimes, Food. The article will be about How To for the Hawker Food Courts and will obviously require "Serious Investigation" This will be interesting and I get to explore the food as well. We have not agreed a deadline yet but who cares. Here is an interesting fact. I have been wondering where Stephanie is based so I asked her yesterday. She is American based in Cape Town for the past five years and absolutely love South Africa. Now I know why she sometimes takes long to respond to my mails.

The COE or Certificate of Entitlement basically controls the ownership of cars in Singapore. The COE's are issued in a bidding process and is also limited by a Quota which is determined by the Minister of Transport. The Minister announced last week that the quota increase would be reduced to 1.5% which in effect means less new car COE's. The reason Singapore does this is to control the amount of cars on the road and to ensure that the growth stay in tune with the road infrastructure. A COE is also only valid for ten years after which the owner must scrap or export the vehicle. Good system to control traffic but the downside is that car prices is not fixed and can vary from one bidding cycle to another. The latest quota reduction announcement had a immediate increase effect on all categories of car prices. Does make car ownership quite a challenge.

If you intend owning a car in Singapore best you read up and get the facts.

Read more here:

Zoak is one of Asia's famous dance and music clubs and have been part of a discussion in the news for the past two weeks. The issue is not the club itself but the noise and alcohol abuse outside the club and the Robertson Quay. A Member of Parliament has put forward a proposal to introduce Banned Alcohol areas and this has stirred a lot of discussion. The residents have a point as they have to put up with the drunken loud patrons and the mess including puke the next morning. They continued the debate on BlogTV last night and the issue is not resolved. The club is not to blame as the vendors around the club like 7-Eleven sell alcohol at reduced prices resulting in patrons getting slammed before they actually get to the club. A non alcohol ban will not work and the debate continues. In the Member of Parliaments defense, she is trying to find a suitable solution other than the ban, but we are talking about teenagers and I do not think they will be responsible enough on their own.

On to the Beep Beep. Since moving to the suburbs I have been seeing and hearing these little trucks driving around the neighberhood and past my house with a continued Beep Beep of their distinctive hooters. Sort of like a motor cycle hooter sound. I have been wondering what the hell this is all about and yesterday when my  gardener/landscape guy, Victor was here I remembered to ask. To put it in simple terms for the people back home it is like a Cash Converters on wheels. If you have anything you do not want anymore, flag the guy down and negotiate a price and they will take it of your hands. Nifty and they also collect any paper products for free.

On to business cards. Always hand it out with two hands and receive the same way. Do not just  put it away. Read it first with interest and never put in a back pocket. That is considered an insult.

Going to enhance the garden and met with Victor yesterday to discuss. Will have to do it on a project basis from a cost perspective but will post the upgrade pictures when done.

My new South African connection, Genie managed to find us a Pub Style venue, called Picotin where we can enjoy the Rugby with fellow South Africans, Aussies, Souties and Kiwis. That should be interesting (Sure Springboks play Australia this weekend) and hope to meet some more friends. Checked out the menu and they even serve an English Breakfast. Aiming to go there this weekend and I will wear my new Springbok shirt my friend Gatoe gave me as a go away present. Live dangerously I say. 

Me and Zelma ended up being the on;y Springbok supporters in a pub in London and on that occasion the Springboks won. Still felt quite intimidating to be the only South Africans in a pub full of rugby mad and slightly pissed Englishman.

X-Factor and Music in General

This posting is personal posting about music, one of my passions in life, some of my favourites and related music stories. If you want to broaden your music horizons feel free to read on and enjoy. I have been collecting music since I was about 12 years old and it covered the full spectrum from seven singles, LP's, tapes, and CD's thru to the now awesome Blue Ray Music DVD's. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of the collection before coming to Singapore and hopefully the new owners get as much fun from it as I did over the years. I kept the CD's.

Music has always been an important part of my life and certain songs relate to fond memories. I grew up listening to people like Ge Korsten, Jim Reeves, Virginia Lee, Elvis Presley, Slim Whitman, Patsy Cline, Nana Mouskuori. Vicky Leandros, Demis Roussos and many other. People with incredible voices who can bring you to tears or make you so happy when you are down. Over time I have broadened my one music spectrum and basically enjoy all types of music except Rap. Never got the point of that one.

During our school years me and my friend Gatoe had our own Disco evening where fellow students payed a small entrance fee and we provided the lights and the music. Very successful baring one specific evening although we ended up spending all the money we earned on buying more music and never got rich or became stars as was the intention. Still we all had fun. He still owns the set of Disco Lights, which he built himself and they are still used on specific occasions.

We also devised many music games over the years like "Bring a Song", where you host a fabulous meal for your friends and they all get to bring their top 3 songs and that is the entertainment for the evening. Afterwards, I would make a CD with all the songs as a gift to everyone. Amazing, the diversity of music that comes out of the woodwork and very enjoyable. The "Guess the Song", where I put together a collection, play 20 seconds of each song and everybody must guess from which movie. The, "I am the DJ", one of Zelma's favourites where she can request any song and I play the music while enjoying a glass or two of fine wine.

Music is also the most important part of many other thing like Movies, Shows, Holiday Driving, Parties, Special Functions, Shopping Malls and sometimes you do not realise exactly what effect it actually has. Ever seen a movie with a bad musical score. It can enhance and make or break a good movie.

I have never watched the X-Factor until this Saturday, mainly due to our "friend" Simon Cowell. It is my personal view but he is rude and just so full of himself and maybe he earned the right to be. I would like to see him and Mr Gordon Ramsey together on a deserted island for a few years. I decided that my love for music was greater and the adverts on the new X-Factor USA season intrigued me so I watched the auditions. Some funny and pretty weird people who can not sing to save their lives, but then that magic moment when you  hear someone sing that brings tears to your eyes. And here it is.  Josh Krajcik, the simple guy with an incredible voice and I am sure he will be very successful.

PS. You need good sound and a suitable place if you are going to listen to any of the videos in the post to enjoy them. Work would not do as you have to sneak it and that's no fun.

During my research over the past few days, I realised it would be impossible to share all the music treasures with you unless you all come to my house and we play that game. So, I will be selective and share some of the memorable stuff from the past two years or so with selective videos. I am sure you will not agree but what can you loose. I realised again and has been debated many times over is the fact that some of the best ballads and love songs were produced by core Rock Bands over the years. Some of the memorable bands are Foreigner, Journey, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Smokey, Pussycat, Cat Stevens, Bonney Tyler, Fleetwood Mac, Boston and many more. I do not forget some nice Reggae and all those Stars like Bob Marley and Eddie Grant.

I digress, and it is difficult not too but the post will become never ending. Impossible too cover the whole lot so I limit it to some precious finds over the past two years. When I met Zelma she was a serious Leonard Cohan fan, but I did not get it and felt his music belonged at a funeral or at some suicide session. Then I bought her the DVD called Leonard Cohen - I Am Your Man. On The DVD they explore his exceptional writing talents with praise coming from stars like Bono from U2. So, I watched the whole thing and many times over and found some incredible artists singing his songs. I include the DVD Trailer and a few others but get the DVD and believe me he is an very talented writer and singer.

Here are some Highlights

The further I get with this post the more I realised it is impossible to cover the topic with the relevant justice it deserves. I skipped decades, and the list of musicians and bands will be pages long. I need a whole separate Blog to cover this the way I should. I am going to conclude with Zelma's latest favourite and certainly this lady has an incredible talent. I love watching her perform.

Maybe one last one. A combination of the two, Movies and Music. The astonishing Kate Winslet performing What If.

I would love to hear your comments and feedback on your own favourite music specials. All the artists are on You Tube if you want to explore some more, even the old ones which is amazing.

Eviltwin's Article Published

Another major storm this morning and raining cats and dogs. At least it is nice and cool. I know I promised a posting today on the X-factor and music, but that will have to wait. I mentioned a while back that Stephanie, the Editor from the Expat Arrivals Website came across my Blog and actually liked it enough to approach me to do an official article for their website.

I am by no means a writer and at first was hesitant and after some consideration decided I would give it my best shot. What could I loose, right. Initially the article was due in the middle of September which I delayed as a result of the house move and related duties. The new agreed deadline was the end of September and I promptly delivered the draft to Stephanie via email on Friday.  Obviously she would have to edit and format the article according to their site standard and after some emails to and from I received the email yesterday afternoon. Approved and published.

PS. Stephanie did a great job in getting the article properly formatted.

I have written short stories for Zelma before but this is a first for me and I must admit I did enjoy the process and have signed up for some more work. No pay, but still something I enjoy and keeps me busy. Maybe I should start writing the book I always wanted to. Just Kidding.

The Expat Arrivals Website is great and does not just cover Singapore but the whole world. Check out moving to Johannesburg, quite interesting.

Yes, My first official published article.

Here is the link

Vivo City, Home and Fellow South Africans

The week end kicked of with a huge thunderstorm Saturday morning and rainy weather dawned at daybreak. So we decided to stay Home, and that is the keyword here, HOME. We have been living in a state of change for months now and the journey although exciting, did come with some very emotional lows. It has been a case of letting go on the one side and trying to get settled on the other, with no sense of belonging in the process. Like a newly grown vegetable plucked from the ground with the roots hanging in the air.
It was thus a very pleasant feeling I experienced on Saturday. That warm feeling of being secure, comfortable and content to be at home. That  place where you can kick off your shoes and just hang around. Yes, we miss our friends and family dearly, but at least there is some sort of happiness. We even started planning our holiday next year and a trip to the nursery on Sunday which is a sure sign that we have reached a certain point of finality. I realise there is still a lot to learn and experience, but it will be much easier doing it from a sound home base.

Also made contact with Genie, a fellow South African and her family on Friday. She and her family are also new Expats and a braai together is in the planning. Over the weekend, another South African family also became part of the discussion so things are looking up. Will catch up with them today and get things rolling.

We took a drive down to the Harbour Front yesterday to go and check out Vivo City, Singapore's largest shopping and Lifestyle Center. There is no easy way to explain the place, but to state some facts. Five floors, 100,000 sq meters of retail space, 2179 parking bays and two massive food centers right on the harbour front. This is the biggest shopping complex I have ever been too and the whole experience is over whelming. The floor information boards are done in Grids, like road maps. Outside on the Harbour Front you can look across the bay and see Sentosa Island which you can either get a ride on the Monorail or take a stroll across the Boardwalk to reach. The book store is so big, like a mall on its own, that we agreed a time to meet each other at the cashiers so we do not lose each other. I a not joking. I include a link so you can see more information on the place.

Also found a massive store called the $2 Store. Everything costs $2 and you can buy just about everything. You will need a few days if you intend visiting every store. Made me tired just looking at all the shops. On our way to the Food Court for lunch we found a Carl's Jnr, my favourite hamburger joint in Singapore and pigged out. Yummy.

Of to the nursery which is in the area to go and look at plants to jazz up our garden at home.

I also watched the X-Factor USA for the first time in my life on Saturday. More on this tomorrow with some music nostalgia.

I wish you all a great week.