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Drive & The Long Weekend

The long weekend has come and gone. We decided to have a relaxed weekend with not much exploration. Monthly shopping Saturday and Sunday took another trip to Orchard Road. You need several visits to explore that one properly. I spent quite a bit of time the last few days putting together a itinerary for our friends visit in a few weeks time and once again realised how much amazing stuff there is to see and do in Singapore. Uncovered a whole list of new places in the process. We will also not do any new explore trips until our friends arrive so we can do some of the new stuff with them.

Watched the new Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan movie, "Drive" this weekend. I am a huge fan of both actors and my expectations were high but sadly I must say very disappointing. Ryan just does not cut it in the movie as a "Bad Ass" and the prolonged moments of silence make you want to reach for a fast forward button. The onscreen chemistry between them also does not work. Hopefully Ryan's next movie with George Clooney (The Ides of March) will erase my memories of this one. Carey is a great actress but her talents are wasted in this movie. Rather watch her in "An Education" and "Never Let Me Go", both excellent movies. I guess all movie stars must have a few flops?

Here is the Ides of March Preview.

Have a great week.

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