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The Singapore "Blow Job Queen"

It's not like it is a secret so I will venture outside my normal "Prim and Proper" Blog mode and give my views on the matter of Ms Sue and her "services" rendered to the accused former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) Chief, NG Boon Gay. (Check the surname) Huh.

I have been following the story in the news with some curiosity. First she testified that she was "forced" on four occasions to to perform oral sex with Mr NG but in subsequent cross examination it  the facts certainly seem very different. The fact that she also had sex previously with Mr Ng does make it sound quite strange that she was "forced". One of her more funny claims is that she often when she types text messages, does so quickly and might send it to the wrong person.

Read the full story here

So, basically Ms Sue you have obviously provided the same services to some other men? Just own up and save youself and Mr NG further public embarrassment. You were a naughty girl with a married man.

I am convinced after all the publicity and graphic testimony you are going to be a "Girl in Demand".

I just can not help myself sharing this picture considering the Singaporeans love for queueing.

Have a stunning weekend people.

New Exciting Stuff in Singapore

Yes, I know. I have not been doing regular postings so here we go. Can't believe there is only 12 weeks to Christmas. How time flies and another year for us in Singapore comes to an end. So lets have a look at some of the new attractions and events we can look forward to over the next 3 months.

The Malay Heritage Center re-opened in the beginning of September after a 2 year restoration project and certainly is worth a visit. There are six permanent galleries spread over  two levels showcasing stories and artifacts from both the Singapore National collection as well as contributions from the local community.

Probably the biggest and most exciting one for me is the opening of the Marine Life Park at Sentosa early in December. It is the second anchor attraction in Sentosa and will house the world's largest Oceanarium housing some 100,000 marine animals from some 800 species including 25 dolphins. And then there is the Adventure Cove Water Park, a tropical paradise with an escapade for everyone.

The Pandas arrived and another new addition to the existing Zoo theme parks is the new River Safari Park. It will be Asia's first and only river themed park with it's tropical rain forest setting featuring a rich biodiversity. The park will feature more than 300 plant and 500 animals species and is destined to become a must see nature based destination in Asia. And don't forget, the Giant Panda's will also be there for us to marvel over. I can not wait for this one. Official opening early in December.
Coming up in October and two events I will not miss is the award winning "Hottest Dance Show" ever, direct from Broadway and London's West End, Burn The Floor and off course the outrageous and amasing Red Bull Flugtag Show
 Let's not forget the newly opened Lego Land Theme Park across the sea in Malaysia and the amasing  Gardens by the Bay which we must still go and see. Hell, I have been here 14 months and still have not done the Night Safari , Botanic Gardens and loads of other stuff.
It's gonna be a busy time leading up to Christmas.  

Dear Blog

We passed another milestone this week with the 30,000 page views achievement. How far we have come in the past 13 months. I remember that first little story, The Eviltwin has Landed  I shared with you and the amazement the next day to see that 9 people had read the story. It started as a means to share my journey with a few friends back home and it has exceeded my wildest dreams.

To date, I have shared 195 stories with you and we have explored Singapore, took trips down memory lane and got exposed to the world of social media in the process. We received some accolades and formal recognition, ended up writing articles for other Blog sites and even got invites to fun and exciting events as a result of our story telling.

I could not have been on this journey without you and the friends we made and helped along the way is very rewarding. The occasional inspirational comment when we post a story that is either funny or informative. Sure, there are the days when I have "Writers Block" and find in difficult to share stuff with you but in the end the fact that there are so many people reading our stories inspire me to get out the gutter and come up with something new and exciting.

It has been a steep learning curve and over time we have had to adapt as our reader base has changed. I am often surprised about the popularity of the stories and more than often it turns out something I might thought sharing with you is not that great ends up being read by so many people. There is no correlation between the amount of research I do and how successful the story turns out at all.

The journey is still in it's infancy and we have the world to share. Who knows where it will take us. A big thank you to all your loyal readers for making my life interesting.

Top page views countries from around the world is Singapore, United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Russia.

Zack Efron Song

A friend posted the video on Face Book (Thanks Lindy) and it is actually not bad. I certainly only know mister "Pretty Boy" from one or two movies and did not know he starred in the High School Musical movies which I never watched. I am not really into musicals so that is understandable. Any case, it might be 7 months old but still worth sharing. Zac and Taylor Swift performing a duet on the Ellen show.

What is the worst (number 1) movie I ever watched. Mama Mia (2008). I actually gave the DVD away. Man, that was one pathetic movie with a musical performance by "James Bond". Really?

Here is another funny video and one sure way to get your lady angry and not "get any after" that.

The weekend is around the corner people.

"Slobodan Milosevic", Adobo & The A380 Pilot

Was invited to a house warming party at the wife's boss, Slobodan Milosevic, aka Bobi and his wife Doris on Saturday night. No, not the Slobodan who was accused of war crimes although Bobi has the same name. Obviously you can not turn up at a house warming without a gift sand after some deliberation we settled on a orchid. So what is the correct and traditional house warming gifts one should take along and one of the guests did bring?

Traditionally your gift should include three items, Bread (your cupboards will always be full), Salt (life will always have flavour) and Sugar (life will always have sweetness). Other items you could include and have other meaning are wine, honey, broom, coins and candles. Read more here

Doris laid out a starter spread of salted bread sticks, olives, sliced bread and a selection cold meats and Bobi served up some quality wine and we got to know each other. Proceeded to the table to sit down and enjoy the main course, more bread with cooked prawns and Chicken Adobo prepared by the maid. Aobo is the unofficial National dish of the Philippines, it is excellent and you should definitely try it served with rice or crusty bread.

Here is the recipe Pork and Chicken Adobo recipe link

One the the guests, Jason is a A380 pilot for Singapore airlines and I am crazy about flying and aircraft. Hell, it's not everyday you get to share an evening with pilot that flies the newest and biggest aircraft in the world. The funny part of the discussion and much to the "horror" of the rest of the party guests was the, let say A380 pilot "working hours" and Jason did take some stick and "ridicule" over this.

There are always two sets (four pilots) on board and they fly in six and a half hour shifts. They are not  allowed to fly more than 100 hours a month and on the away leg they get two days to rest and when back home three days. They can also take "controlled" 15 minute breaks during their flight shift so we all joked they they certainly are not over worked. Actually I would not have it any other way as a passenger considering they have 500 plus lives in their hands.

Doris finished the evening of with a cheese platter fit for a king and the best chocolate cake I have ever had in my life. No, she did not bake it and you can also have a slice of heaven, if you live in Singapore. The cake is from Awfully Chocolate and they also produce a range of other delicacies.

Great evening and "To Die for Food".

A Person Of Interest

I have been watching the "A Person of Interest" show over the past few weeks and it is excellent. The plot about two men preventing crimes as a result of some super computer certainly makes you think. Over the years I have watched movies that dawn inventions and gadgets that seem far fetched only to know today they are actually now reality.

"The Government has a Secret System, a Machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know because I built IT"

The posting is not about the show (Do watch it if you can), but about my own awareness as a result of watching the show. Going around town I started to "notice" the camera and tracking technology which previously was sort of "out of sight, out of mind" and it is astonishing. There are cameras everywhere.

The bottom line is you are actually being "watched" all the time. They are in the trains, shopping centres, shops, toll fee gantry's, HDB housing blocks, traffic and speed cameras, car parks, attractions etc. You just do not notice them until you look. Sure, every city will be different but in Singapore you are "covered".

The Singapore Police will install high definition CCTV cameras at another 700 housing blocks and multi storey car parks by the end of the year in addition to some 300 locations announced earlier in the year. Mind blowing surveillance if you ask me. These cameras are so sophisticated they can pick up a discarded cigarette butt thrown from a HDB Flat.

As an individual I have access to some of the cameras via the EMAS (Intelligent Incident management System) which is really help full and fascinating. Obviously the cameras are there for our "safety" and protection but the show did make me wonder, What else are the Government and organisations capable of doing with the information?

The wife forgot to put the card in the "In car Unit" and drove thru an ERP Toll Gantry and within a few days the fine was delivered at our house. Just $10 but the point is they know where and who you are.

Here is one you probably did not know. If you are staying at the Marina Bay sands hotel and your car gets parked in their car park it gets a 360 degree scan and digital video upon entry that will give detail to the size of a 10 cent piece in case there are any disputes about possible damage while in their care.

Even the dogs have tracking devices. All taxis have in Car HD video recording systems installed to assist with accident disputes.

Be careful what you do when you are out and about. You are being watched.

PS. I would love to spend a day in one of the control centres and see the world through these eyes.

In The News

A Singapore robotics professor has invented a virtual kissing gadget with motion sensitive lips that will allow couples to enjoy a smooch and remain "Intimate" during long distant relationships. Hmmm. Check out the Kissenger, you never know you might need one.

The Tooth Fairy has upped the ante and according to a survey done by Credit Card brand Visa the latest "price" left by her or parents who discreetly act on her behalf is around $US3 (2.4 euros) up by some 15% from the previous year. Visa also promote a smart phone app that will help parents figure out what that precious fallen tooth is worth. Even the fairies are taking to the social media world.

Make sure you do not short change your children and pay less than the going market rate.

Tooth Fairy App This is actually quite funny.

McDonald's, the world second largest fast food chain will open it's first ever vegetarian only outlet in India next year. No beef to avoid offending Hindus and no pork to cater for Muslim requirements. The McDonald's menu in India is already 50% vegetarian and the top seller is the McAloo Tikki Burger which contains a spicy fried patato patti. Okay then.

Panda mania struck Singapore this morning with the arrival of the two giant pandas, Kai Kai and Jia Jia who is on loan from China for 10 years to mark two decades of strong ties between the two countries. The Panda's will make their home in the new River Safari park which is due to open early next year. Can't wait to go and see them.

Actor Michael Clarke Duncan died this week at the age of 54. He is known for his excellent and oscar nominated performance alongside Tom Hanks in The Green Mile. If you have not seen the movie make every effort to do so. It is still on my top ten list of all time movies.

Just finished watching Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic Convention. Very powerful and compelling and he still commands the repect of all. Hell, I would like to see him as the American President again. Not with standing his personal controvercy he is still considered one of the best ever.

I predict Obama will win his re-election.

The speech is a definite must watch. Catch it on You Tube.

West Coast Swing

AMLive had a segment this morning about this improvised (Not Choreographed) social dancing style and it makes you want to give it a go. Freestyle, sexy moves and very fluent dancing. It's a Partner and "Slotted" dance performed in an imaginary area, eight or nine feet long. Canadian Champs, Myles Munroe and Tessa Cunningham doing the dance to some nice music.

West Coast Swing is the official State Dance of California, one of the rare dances emphasising improvisation. Learn something new everyday. Apparently the dance style is making inroads in Singapore and Asia. Check out the local community website for more information. Great way to kick off the week and get rid of the "Monday 'blues'

Definitely something I could watch and enjoy but my favourite remains the Tango. This band also had another very catchy and famous song. Can you guess it?

Watched a movie on the weekend and the closing song is just so good I had to find it and listen to it a few more times. This lady certainly has a unique and powerful voice. Can you guess the movie the song is played in at the end.

Have a great week.