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The Year in Review & Posting 100

This is posting number 100 and a milestone for me in some strange way. I resisted "Social" Media for years and then as part of this journey I had to embrace it. Looking back it certainly opened a whole new world for me. The past year has been a roller coaster ride for us and by no means an easy one at that. Loads of change, scary moments, a new country and beginning of another much bigger journey. It's not like going on holiday in a strange country, no, this is a whole new dimension.

I have said this before, if you intend working abroad do it as soon as possible as it becomes much more difficult as you get older. I had the opportunity to do it when I was offered a very nice position in America in the early nineties which I did not accept for many reasons and it is one of my great regrets. When we announced our decision to come to Singapore it must have come as a very big surprise to many people, family, friends and colleagues but the reality is we had been discussing it for years just waiting for the right opportunity.

So how has it worked out so far. Well, I am not a tourist anymore, I do not get lost and we have settled in and truly enjoy living here. Weekends and life in general has returned to normal and the only thing a seriously miss apart from our friends and family, is not having my job and that will continue to be a challenge. No country is perfect and Yes, even Singapore has its problems. In the end it depends on the nature of the problem and whether you are willing to live with it or not.

Will we live here forever and who knows. One thing is for sure, this is our home for at least the next 3 - 5 years and what happens after that will depend purely on work related opportunities. Going back to South Africa will depend what happens back home and if there will be any opportunity to do so.

We are going back there for a holiday in 2013 to our beloved Verloren Kloof, already planned, to visit our friends and family and we really look forward to it.

The year started with a work trip to Singapore in February for Zelma with me coming along as promises based on her previous work trips. Definitely had no idea we would end up living here so I spent most of the week doing tourist things.

My company incentive trip to Phuket, Thailand followed which was an absolute blast (Separate posting on that one). I can not remember the exact date but shortly after getting back Zelma received the news that they wanted her to come and work in Singapore and then all hell broke loose. Decision time and believe me when I say it has been the most difficult thing I have ever done and still have my doubts some days.

The next few months was turmoil like you can not believe. All the preparation back home to sell whatever could not come with, sell the house, Zelma shuttling up and down as she started one month before I arrived, the decision on whether the dogs would come with and all the arrangements for when we would land in Singapore.

Then followed the search for a place to live, the first month in the serviced apartments and another move to where we are now. Furniture shipment delayed due to bad weather and the dogs arriving after 6 weeks of quarantine and putting the house together again.

The year ended very nice, settled in our new home with the unplanned 11 day visit of our best friends in December.  The best Christmas present I had for a very long time. And now we are in the new year and already halfway thru January. Scary how time flies.

The Blog and my readers have become an integral part of my daily life and very important to me. I will continue to try and keep it interesting and informative with the right amount of fun and Wow Factor postings. In the process of doing the Blog and the articles for the other web sites I have seen some amazing places and enjoyed some of the best food. The journey continues.

I thank you all for your loyal support.

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