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Pizza Hut goes "Sandwich"

As you will know by now I am not a big Take away fan but one of my occasional favourite treats is a Subway sandwich especially for breakfast. I have only visited Pizza Hut once (prefer my own homemade pizza) since arriving in Singapore and Subway numerous times so this is an interesting development and one that I will certainly explore.

Pizza Hut, The United States biggest pizza chain is going head on with sandwich shops, in particular those bearing the name of the category leader Subway, with a new item backed by a large media campaign.

The P'Zolo will be shaped like a sandwich and will be available in a variety of fillings like Buffalo Chicken, Meat Trio and Italian Steak. There new offering will be an alternative to your everyday sandwich priced at US$3 (S$3.85) a piece or two for US$5.

"We're happy to pick a fight with sub players today on consumers behalf" - Pizza Hut

The P'Zolo campaign includes television commercials, a "See Ya sub" game on the Pizza Hut Face book page, online adds and in store signs.

Get a preview at Pizza Hut Facebook

I watched Undercover Boss USA on Monday which coincidentally featured Subway. Subway is the largest sandwich chain in the US and number 2 in fast food world overall, behind McDonald's. A privately held company started by Fred DeLuca with $1000 he borrowed from a friend in August 1965.

Subway surpassed McDonald's with 33,749 restaurants at the end of 2010 but McDonald's is still bigger in revenue terms.

1 comment:

  1. Order Big Pizzas from pastafresca the Italian Restaurants Singapore Famous for tasty Italian thin-crusted pizzas.
